James Horan

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Full name: Jamison Andrew Horan (Haha wtf! -Niall)

Age: 21

Height: 5'7

Relationship stat: Single

Children: Maya and Sophia

Physical feat: Dirty blonde quiffed hair, blue eyes, pretty much that idiotic look.

Clothing: white v necks, those really REALLY comfy sweaters, jeans

Personality: Ehhh probably less hyped than niall but pretty hyper when the moment comes, caring, loving, sensative as niall said.

Favorite color: Blue

Favorite food: Potato mash! And marshmallows

Favorite movie: Titanic gets me every time. But I actually enjoy Despicable Me.

Favorite animal: Pufferfishes are pretty cool.

Favorite person on the account: Louis and Acacia are pretty cool

Guilty pleasure: I have no idea ._.

Man crush: Well...I'm pretty hot.

Hobbies: Eating, not doing much, playing around with the guitar, cuddling

Motto: Family first.

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