•2• °The new kid°

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  I woke up early today for school, principal wanted me to show the new kid around at school.

  When I arrived at school I saw Scott just about to walk inside.

"Hey man why so early"

"Morning Stiles! I had early lacrosse practice. And you?"

"Oh I've been assigned to show around the new kid..., Oh shoot I should go, see you letter buddy"

I walked as fast as I possibly could when I arrived I knocked the door and got in.

"Good morning Stiles, so this is the new student Isaac Lahey I hope you treat him well and show him the beauties of our school" the principal said with serious voice.

"No worries sir. Hey Isaac my name is.. ehm Stiles you can call me Stiles...."  Silence... he was looking at me with this  weird look on his face..

"Isaac... Isaac..."  Principal tried but nothing, he was spaced out.

"LAHEY" He raised his voice and said.

" Oh... Ehm I'm sorry.. I just got lost in thoughts. Ehm you where saying."

"Hey Isaac right; my name is Stiles I'll happily show you the school"  I tried again.

"Nice to meet you ehm... "


"Yeah, Stiles, sorry"

"It's ok, happens all the time"

"Ok boys you should start before the bell rings right! Have a nice first day Isaac!"

  We walked outside, I turned to look at him and talk but he was gone... I looked around confused... What just happened? Where the hell did he go?


  Once we went outside the office and I made sure Stiles wasn't looking, I walked away as fast and quiet i could.
I have so much in my head right now. But I should focus on hiding my smell, any student could be the werewolf that Stiles was pack marked by I can't just let them know. But on the other hand I know I can't hide forever they will discover me eventually and I can't disappear ether, what will I say to my mum;. This was not the first day I imagined.

  Suddenly i feel someone touching my shoulder. I turned around to see a cute little girl with green eyes looking at me.

"Hey, sorry to scare you" She goes at first.

"It's okey, how can I help you?"  HELP? Me help her what was that Isaac?

"Well more like I'll help you... Are you the new kid, guessing you are, your school guide is looking all over for you he asked every student if they saw you. Stiles can be a pain in the neck sometimes, he made everyone think you got lost, you better find him before he makes an announcement about it. I have to go now see ya around."

  She talked very fast and then stormed off.
  Stiles what the hell, every student, every one of them? I should better find him I guess. This is a hell firs day damnit....¡¡¡¡


  The bell was about to ring when I saw Isaac walking to me...

"Man what the hell; where were you?"

"Ehm sorry I just didn't want to burden you"  he said without lifting his head.

"Seriously...¡ Anyway let's just forget about it, what's your first class?"

He looked at the paper in his hand and said


" Oh great we are together on biology let's go, I'll introduce you to my best friend, he is  pretty cool"

  We walked to class and I saw Scott sitting with an empty desk  next to him for me to go and sit there. Luckily there was a sit right in front of us, I pointed to Isaac to sit there, I didn't want for him to feel bad i can imagine how it feels to be the new kid. He threw us a half smile and sat down. He is not much talkative. I didn't say anything, he will open up eventually. Scott gave me a 'let him be' look and we sat down. The class was about to start.


  We went to class and once we got in I smelled the werewolf that Stiles was  pack marked by. I froze, I stood there like a sculpture. His smell was so strong it was weird I tried my best to hide mine and I think it worked... For now at least. Stiles showed me an empty sit, I sat down without a word, they must think that I'm such an idiot.

Suddenly i hear a voice calling my name, someone was calling me... Oh no... The werewolf was calling me, what could he possibly want, maybe he found out, did I loose track on class and he smelled me? I better not turn around, I'll act as i didn't hear a thing..

  When the class finished i walked out almost first, I didn't see Stiles or the werewolf at all after that, it was my last period and then i could go home, that was it, want could happen in such a small time;

Yeah of course life loves to prove me wrong. I scent a werewolf getting in the class, it was a different smell not like the other werewolf, he stopped, sniffed the air and then looked at me.

  OH SHOOT¡¡¡ What was I supposed to do now.

  He put his hands on my desk, leaned a bit and looked me straight in the eyes.

"Hey, interesting perfume you got there"

  I couldn't even look up I was terrified. I didn't know there were werewolfs here, I don't know the pack or the rules the pack has, I could be in a black territory and they would have every right cut me in half if I am ...

This is it for now. Next chapter we will have a lot do deal with


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