Chapter 2

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I woke up slowly. When I opened my eyes, I just stared at the beige ceiling. I grabbed my phone and earbuds and put my earbuds in. I put on Crave You by Flight Facilities and looked out the window. It was sundown, 


so I spent the whole day sleeping!?! I got off the couch and shuffled to the kitchen with a blanket wrapped around me. I got a text and I checked it, it was mom.

Mom: sorry honey the business trip will take the extra day or two

Mia: Its all right mom, do ur thing!

Mom: okay bye

Mia: bye

I put my phone in my pocket and made a bowl of cereal. I decided to eat it on the porch (cause im stupid) and you know who I saw on the porch?

Zach and Lela...

They wernt making out or anything, they were just in the chairs, talking. 


"Oh hi Mia! Do u remember Lela?" Zach introduced. I crossed my arms and glared at her, she smirked. I had a flashback in 7th grade when i thought Zach was gay, he kept denying it so I let it go. Lela glared at me as I kept staring at Zach.

"I just want to make you feel okay..." I wispered. Zach heard and confusion spread across his face like a parasite.

"But all you do is walk the other way"

"huh?" he asked

"I just kinda wish you were gay..." I said and regretted it. The words just slipped out of my mouth. I wish I could just hold them back, but I couldent. Zach blushed and stared at me. His eyes were like oceans crashing but those crashes were filled with anger, and he washed those waves on the shore, and the shore is me. I shuddered in dead silence. Lela was death glaring at me now.

"And I oop! Come on Zach!" Lela tugged on his shirt. He left with her and all there was left was me, staring at space in dead silence.

Wish You Were GayWhere stories live. Discover now