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Whence I sense my skin on your', Thence my journey begins forth

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Whence I sense my skin on your',
Thence my journey begins forth.
Within the far summer breeze we crease.
And us both, soak in our heat and freeze.

The glimmer of her eyes in the asters high,
I call Sirius and Bellatrix nigh.
And lo! She breathes the steam of hope,
Within her sigh, I lie, I die.

Let's pour amidst us this rain and purge,
The tepid flames of lust and urge.
Or shall we sink into the ocean of wants,
I merge my runnel into you and surge.

Can't we just through my dreams pace?
Hither-thither, through time and space.
Alas! we walk through mortal Earth,
Somewither we curse the clocks race.

For I'm bound in the twine of thine eyne,
For I am drunk. Drunk on your wine.

 Drunk on your wine

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