26. Molly

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"You two are too cute! You know that, right?" Kendra practically squealed when the two of us retired to my bedroom later on that night. Wyatt was still downstairs with the rest of the boys, having been introduced to FIFA earlier. He was now a bit obsessed, even though he wasn't all that great at it. I was just happy to see that my new best friends got along with my old ones. I felt myself blush at her words.

"Thanks. I really care about him, you know? I never thought I would, but he's turned out to be a different person than I originally thought he was." I admitted. I hadn't really told anyone the extents of my feelings towards Luke, and it felt nice to at least let a little of it out. Kendra grinned.

"Have you done it yet?" She asked, a mischievous glint in her eye. I scrunched up my nose and hit her on the arm.

"No! God, you're so much like Megan and Taryn. I swear they ask me the same thing all the time!" I complained. "Besides, if we had, I wouldn't tell you. Kissing him is one thing, but I don't want anyone to know about our sex life." Kendra gave me an exaggerated pout.

"But I told you when Parker Johnson and I-" I held up a hand to silence her, knowing exactly where the conversation was about to go.

"Oh, God. Please don't remind me of your nasty hookup with that kid again. You only told me because it was so awful, and you two weren't even dating. Doesn't count." I crossed my arms, giving her a raised-eyebrow look as she continued to pout at me. I sighed in defeat. "Fine. When it happens, I'll tell you. But you're only getting a confirmation, no details." She contemplated my offer for a moment before nodding.



"You're going to make me late. Stop." I growled, glaring at Luke through the reflection in the kitchen window. Wyatt shuffled into the kitchen, followed by Ashton and Calum.

"Why are you even up so early?" Ash questioned, plopping down at the table. I turned around to look at him, batting away Luke's hands as he tried to wrap them around my waist for the thousandth time.

"Some of us actually have an education to get still. I have school in like thirty minutes." Calum's face scrunched up.

"Oh, I forgot about that. Glad I dropped out." He quipped. I sent him an icy stare, to which he responded, "Someone isn't a morning person." Wyatt snorted.

"You can say that again. She threw a wooden spoon at me once when I joked about her morning breath." He agreed. I pursed my lips.

"Yeah, well you deserved it." I snapped.

"I'm sure your morning breath isn't that bad, babe." Luke said as I turned back towards the counter and picked up the banana I had originally been grabbing for. He leaned in to peck me on the lips, but I pushed him away and brushed past him.

"Thanks, Luke. Sorry, I'm just in a bit of a rush. I have a test today and I need to get to school." I said as I scurried into the hallway and began pulling my shoes on. After they were secured onto my feet, I slung my backpack over my shoulder and opened the front door.

"Bye, Dae! Love you!" Wyatt called.

"Love ya' too, Wyatt!" I replied. When Ashton and Calum let out protests at my lack of acknowledgement of them, I added, "You too, Ashton and Cal." Luke appeared in the doorway, and I smiled.

"See you after school, babe." He said. This time, I let him give me a brief kiss.

"Yep. See ya!" I chirped, turning and rushing down to the sidewalk.

School wasn't too bad. The test was a lot easier than I had originally thought it was going to be, and Megan, Taryn and I made plans for Halloween. Apparently the cabin was where the group went every year. Our planning mainly consisted of costume ideas. I was going to be a cat. And I'd found the perfect outfit. I just had to order it from online and make sure to hide it from Luke so he didn't know what it looked like.

Bully // l.h. // Book 1 of Bully SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now