move on ")

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after what happen, aku decided nak move on. even it's hard, but i can try. sometimes, orang yang kita kejar isn't meant untuk kita. love is mean of letting go. Lagipun if aku teruskan chat dia, tiada apa pun yang boleh ubah. so aku ambik back step and go. psychology said "you more attract to someone who you can't have" and yes benda yg dia cakap tu betul. to girls out there, pls jangan kejar org yg tak kejar kau and pls don't expect too much it'll make you disappointed. start a new life and pls jaga hati diri sndiri before jaga hati org . cari benda yg boleh buat kau forget dia. eh aku ni mcm bagi tips move on. HSHSHSSHSH

p/s;; aku busy sendu. and this is the end of this stupid love story

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2019 ⏰

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