Hand signals and annoyances, yay me.

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        This time waking up for school was a little easier. I saluted my phone as it played Attack on Titan and got dressed into a black shirt with dark blue jeans.

         Pocketing the shades in my pants pocket, I rushed downstairs and devoured a poor pop tart. My family just stared at the carnage as I threw away the wrapper, slung on my bag, and kissed my mom on the cheek and said, "Come on slowpoke, let's roll!"

My brother blinked in surprise at my newfound energy, then quickly scarfed down the rest of his, kissing mom as well. "Bye Mommy!"

"Bye sweetie, both of you be safe!" She called out as we dashed out of the house.

Walking down the sidewalk I looked at my brother who was wiping pop tart crumbs off his face. I nudged him and asked, "Hey, you wanna be a derp?"

His face lit up as he asked, "What do you have in mind?"

And so we lunged our way to school singing I'm Gonna Be from The Proclaimers, continuously repeating "I would walk 500 miles and I would walk 500 more." Both of us took turns rising up and down like we were from a cartoon off of Cartoon Network. Marinette saw us approach the school and started laughing.

Giving my brother his goodbye kiss, I walked up to the laughing Marinette. "How much did you see?" I asked.

"Enough to see how close you guys are!" She said between giggles. "It's cute that you care for him."

"Heh, thanks. My legs are going to hate me later on though," I joked as I rubbed the back of my neck. It was still weird to think of her as Ladybug, but I tried my best to ignore it. "Oh! I have something to ask you."

"What is it?" She said sweetly, adjusting her pink purse.

"Well, someone just showed me something similar to slang so...what the crap does this mean?" I asked as I crossed my index and middle fingers. "In Texas this is just a symbol of wishful thinking, but he used it differently."

She studied my hand and said, "Hm, I think it's used to say your with someone. Though I don't know who would use it."

"That's what I guessed, thanks Mari," I said as the bell rang. I dashed off yelling, "See you in class!"

"No problem! Wait, did you call...?" Was all I heard as I zoomed into class with the speed of Iida. Watching the trickle of kids I softly drummed my fingers on the wooden table to the beat of 311's Til the City's on Fire. Marinette and Alya walked in at the same time and sat down, Alya finishing up something on her phone. Marinette put down her small school bag and asked, "Did you call me Mari?"

It took me a moment to realize that I had subconsciously given her a nickname as I stopped tapping the desk. "Oh, sorry 'bout that. Back at my old school we called everyone by a nickname, it's become a bit of a habit. I won't call you that if you don't like it," I apologized, feeling my face redden a little.

"You don't have to apologize, I think it's a cute nickname!" She exclaimed with her sweet smile. "Did people call you anything?"

I had a quick war flashback of all the names I had. All of them, not just the name shorteners. Greed, Logan, Virge, Prince of Angst, Songbird, the list went on! Stuck in a vortex of names, Mrs. Bustier walked into class and started her lesson. I was only half-listening as I sketched a small chibi Greed, adding little details as she mentioned theme in poems and a book she was going to read us if everyone finished their work.

          Finally my attention was caught as she named the book we were reading: Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief. I dropped my mechanical pencil as I felt my eyes widen to the size of saucepans.

Miraculous; Tales of Grey WolfWhere stories live. Discover now