intro pt 1

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It was 8pm and Inosuke was deep in the woods doing some daily training.

Peppa was live streaming herself exploring the forest on her youtube channel with 4 billion subscribers.

user1234 commented : climb a tree loser

"Lmao bet 🤪🤪" said Peppa

Peppa knew her unhealthy ass self would struggle to climb the tree but she still did it bc she's not a pussy.

She then streamed for about 30 minutes until she began to hear weird ass noises coming from inside the forest.

"Oh em gee are you guys hearing that😳😳😳" she said into the camera.

vore69 commented: haha peppas gonna die in da forest tonite

eatbacon commented : omg be careful peppa ily 😭😭🙏🙏

waterbreaths commented : haha dare u to go see what it is

"WHY WOULD I WANT TO GO SEE WHAT IT IS" said peppa aggressively bc she was lowkey (highkey) scared (and a pussy but she always denies it)

threewives commented : do it pussy

Peppa sighed. She didn't like being called a pussy so she slowly climbed down the tree and then began to journey deeper and deeper into the forest.

peppa vs inosuke [battle of the pigs]Where stories live. Discover now