A Dark Star

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I know this story is most likely not going to happen...but I thought it would be cool. If your going to review saying 'That would never happen...' than don't I know this. Anyway here's the story I hope you like it! :)

BTW-I own nothing! None of the TV shows or the haunted places. ENJOY!

Two weeks earlier

Starfire walked up to her best friend Raven, eyes twinkling.

"Oh dear friend! I have watched at glorious show called 'Ghost Adventures' and it it most exciting!"

"You watched Ghost Adventures?"

"Yes! And I would be most happy if you joined me on this ghost hunt! I have the boxes on order. And tickets too!"

"I'll come!" Raven exclaimed getting excited. A lightbulb popped. "Sorry." She mumbled.

"It is the ok!" Star yelled running out the door. Raven smiled to herself.


Starfire ran into the Operations Room yelling "Raven! They're here! They're here!"

"Yay." Raven said in her monotone. Inside she was truly happy.

Robin looked at his girlfriend of two years. "Starfire?" He said wrapping an arm around her. "Whats here?"

Star looked into her boyfriend's eyes and smiled "Raven and I have our ghost kits so we may go to Waverly Hills Sanatorium in Louisville Kentucky and also one of the scaredest places ever Bachelor's Grove Cemetery in Midlothian Illinois!"

Robin looked at his love. He sighed "Alright but be back by friday." The girls gave each other a high five. Raven letting happy have her fun.

Three hours later the girls were piled into the car with a suitcase and toiletries bag. Robin looked at Starfire and gave her a hug. Then he cupped her face with his hands and kissed her. The kiss was long and passionate.

She smiled at him gave him a peck on the lips and piled into the car with Raven. They waved as Raven backed her car out of the garage and with one last look they pulled out to go to the Sanatorium.

A Dark StarWhere stories live. Discover now