stay with me.

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Chapter 1// Wink
July 13th, 1991.

"Ed's! Wake up! You slept in, we've got to meet up with the losers!" Richie stumbles into Eddies room.
"Richie? What the fuck are you doing here, you stalker... and don't call me Ed's!" Eddie replies with an irritated tone.
"Fine. Eddie we have to go! Otherwise Bill is going to get mad at us for being late!"
"Why do we even have to go?"
"Because Eddie, It's Stans Birthday, remember dumb ass?!"
"Oh shit! I forgot! Okay i'm getting up just hold on." Eddie says.

Eddie gets ready to go meet up with the losers. Richie waits outside his room for him to finish.
Eddie finishes combing his hair and scuffles it up to look the way he likes. He opens his door and gets a fright by Richie.
"Ed's! Woah! You look... amazing!"
"Thanks dumb ass, but you look better" Eddie winks at Richie.
"Oh... Thank you!" Richie has a million butterflies in his stomach and can't believe what just happened. He follows Eddie out of his house and goes to find Beverly.

"Hey Guys!" Beverly spots Richie and Eddie.
"Hey Bev!" Eddie runs up to Beverly and gives her a warm hug. Beverly looks at Richie and notices he's way more happy then usual.
"Hey... why is Richie so happy?" Beverly asks Eddie
"I'd ask you the same thing, he's been acting like that ever since we left my house. I have no clue why the hell he's so happy." Eddie replies.
"Mhm, no clue. Anyway! Richie how are you?" Beverly asks.
"I'm great! Where is everyone else?" Richie responds.
"Here they come!, and there's the birthday boy!" Beverly says i'm excitement.
Stanley has a massive smile on his face as he  appears from behind a tree with Bill, Ben and Mike.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2019 ⏰

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