Hell in a Cell 2018:

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*Becky's POV*
Knowing that tonight I would finally get my title back was the happiest day of my life, last month when I was told that I would be turning heel at Summerslam I was a bit nervous. Not only because it would be my first time turning heel but becuase I would be doing it against my best friend Ashley known as Charlotte. They were building it up when they added her to the match I had against Carmella, now it would be a triple threat match. I was currently backstage stretching for my match, Ashley and I had talked earlier and wished each other luck before we went through out routine. I was stretching when I felt a hand on my shoulder, causing me to jump a bit when I turned to see who it was I was surprised to see that it was Colby known as Seth Rollins.

I smiled at him, I started to do Crossfit with him and Cesar lately. I usually would train alone or with Charlotte but these guys have pushed me passed my limits. My trainer Joshy G has also been helping me get fittier, I wanted to be the best version a stronger, better version and they were all helping me. I was spending a lot of time with these guys, as of lately I was one of the guys if you will. I am actually recently single and to be completely honest I wasnt heartbroken as I thought I would be. I should have known that we were right for each other but I didnt trust myself enough to end it. "You ready for your match Becks?" Seth asked me, I nodded my head. I dont know why I was suddenly shy around him

"Yea, been a long time since I've have my belt, gonna feel good to be champion again." I told him, he smiled and nodded his head before hugging me. I hugged him back and after a few minutes we let go of each other, he smiled at me again before wishing me luck and walking away. I stood there watching him walk away from me problably looking like a creep, but I couldnt think straight right now. Why was I feeling like this? Before I could keep thinking about it, I was being called. I shook off the feeling and walked off.

*After the match*
Walking backstage I couldn't believe that I was once again Smackdown Women's champion, it took me 2 years to get back but here I was again. Vince pulled me aside, "so as you seen this heel turn did not turn out as we though, it turned out better Becky." He said, I was so happy to hear it "we still want you to be a heel but a good heel, you are going to go out on Tuesday night smug about you winning and have a little segment with Charlotte with you calling her a bitch." he informed me. I nodded my head, I just wanted to go out there and give the best segments, promos, and matches that I have in me.

After heading to the women's locker room and taking a shower, I packed up my things so I could be ready when the ppv was over so we could head to the airport. Since I was a bit nervous to eat anything I was heading to catering to get something to eat when I was stopped by Seth again. "Great match out there Becks." he told me, I smiled at him "thanks and good luck on your match" I told him since he was going after the raw tag team titles with Dean. After giving him a quick hug he made his way to the ring while I went to catering. Charlotte was there most likely waiting for me she was smiling at me, "hey" I told her, as we made our way into catering, "what was that all about?" she asked me as we were filling our plates with food.

I looked at her weird not getting what she was referring to, "come on you know what I'm talking about you and Seth, what was that back there?" she asked me, I shook my head. "It's not like that and you know it we have been friends for years and besides we both just got out of a relationship and..." but Charlotte stopped me. "I always thought that you guys would make a cute couple, cant you just imagine both of you guys together?" she asked me. I couldn't believe that we were actually having this conversation. I just shook my head I was not going to have this conversation with her especially here, so instead I change the subject. "Did Vince tell you what is going to happen on Tuesday?" I asked her.

"Don't think I know what you are doing, we will definitely have this conversation later on, and to answer your question, yes he told me." she replied. We spend a good hour in catering, just talking, afterwards she said that she had to go pack so she left me there. I was on my phone texting my brother, when I felt someone in front of me. I looked up from my phone and there standing in front of me was Seth once again, "is this seat taken?" he asked me. I shook my head, he sat down with a bowl of food "congrats on your win tonight" I told him, he just smiled at me and thanked me.

We talked for a bit, he was actually heading to the hotel since he had Monday night raw in the same city but I had Smackdown in another city so I had to catch a flight as soon as the show ended. After saying goodbye to him, I made my way back to the locker room to get my suitcases and find Charlotte. On the way there I was stopped by Bayley and Sasha Bank my other best friends, "Hey Becky, great match out there you guys really put on a show." Bayley said, I smiled at her and thanked her, they didn't have a match tonight but they were still backstage. "Yeah, every time you guys have a match together it is better than the last." Sasha said, I also thanked her and told them that we had to get together during the week.

Ever since the brand split, we really didn't get to hangout as much. It was difficult the first year because Bayley was still in NXT while Charlotte and Sasha were on Raw and I was by myself on Smackdown. Of course I had the girl on team Smackdown but they were my best friend like them, and not being on the same brand was bringing me down. Then Bayley was called up to Raw and all three of them were together while I was on Smackdown, a year later Charlotte was drafted to Smackdown while Sasha and Bayley were still on Raw. Having Charlotte was great, she was my best friend ever since we started at NXT.

This year when she was getting more attention than me it hurt a bit because ever since we started it has been that way but I was still happy because I knew she had worked just as hard as I but compared to me she was given opportunity after opportunity while I had to work for them. "Okay then we'll text you to see when you guys can, good luck and tell Charlotte that congrats on a great match as well." Bayley said I nodded and made my way to the locker room. On my way there I couldn't stop thinking about what Charlotte had mentioned earlier about Seth and I making a cute couple, I shook that thought out my head I just couldn't be in a relationship with someone who I worked with. I couldn't jeopardize my career, I know there are a lot of couple in the company but there were also couples that did not work out and it was so awkward for them to work together and I didn't want to be one of those couples...

*Author's Note*
Alright guys I decided to write a Brollins fanfic. They are by far my favorite WWE couple.

So I really hope you guys vote, comments, or message me with suggestions of you guys would like me to add in the story.

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