5 boys 🤝 Hyun = 1 group

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"I can't turn water into wine, but I can turn you   into mine"

One day Jihyun was called by Hitman BangPD for an important meeting. As soon as she arrived she saw some trainee that training at the company with her. Which is Yeonjun, Soobin, Taehyun, Beomgyu and Heuningkai.

- "They called you guys too?" -

All of them nods. After a few minutes Hitman BangPD came in bringing the tension, nervousness and anxiety attacks all over the room. Even the flower pot feel that.

This mostly reminds her about the black ghost in Harry Potter.
Hyun also thinks that Harry Potter's charm will never worked with him. He just too serious. Seriously hilarious too.

- " So... all of you must be curious about why I invited you to come here, right ?" -

Ofc, the other member and Hyun just nods to their CEO.

- " I want you guys to debut as one group. I have a feeling that this is the right time to debut a boy+ girl group. All of you basically steal my attention on your visuals, vocals and mostly potential." -

The CEO stopped due to his dry throat at the moment giving her a chance to ask the question that lingering in her head.

- " Um... sir? Am I the only girl in this group?"-

The CEO nodding his head at the sudden question and quickly ask.

- " Why? Is there something bothering you? In fact , I can't put any other female trainee cause all of them were training at SOURCES ENTERTAINMENT. You're the only female trainee that I didn't sent you yet." -

The other including Hyun nod understanding that statement. There's some silence since everybody is waiting for the CEO to say something until the eldest, Yeonjun asked him.

- " Sir? What will our group named as?" -

The CEO looked like just ring the bell at the things he supposed to say just now. Old man... it's normal.

- " Oh, your group name will be 'TOMORROW X TOGETHER'  I'll be giving you the group introduction paper. I'm sure you'll find everything you need to know on that " -

He continues

- " Then if there's no problem with my decision , please excuse me I have to go." -

The whole people there nodded and standing up bowing to the CEO.

As soon as the CEO of their left the meeting room, Hyun immediately burst into tears making the boys slightly taken aback .

Soobin :- " Hey,hey it's gonna be alright." - *patting Jihyun in the back *

Yeonjun :- " will you tell me what's wrong? If you don't like about this whole 5 boys and 1 girl debut thing, we can always talk to him." -

Jihyun wiped off her stray tear and say
-" I actually been waiting for the moment where I can finally debut " -

Taehyun :- " Glad to hear that "

With that they out from the company and went to buy some food and celebrate that meaningful day.

Now, the thought of how'll her parents react to this kind of insanity really be giving her another level of headache.

She definitely needs to work on that. But now she just want to enjoy the moment given to her.

[ON HIATUS] Tomorrow X Together [ TXT ] 6th MemberWhere stories live. Discover now