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This story takes place jst after AJ. I haven't played DD yet, so this probs won't fit in with the story line. But in this alternitive version Phoenix has just gotten his badge back.


Phoenix's P.O.V

For the first time in 7 years, I pinned my badge onto my jacket. It's my first trial since I got my badge taken off me all them years ago. I can't wait to be back in the courtroom defending but at the same time I'd rather let Apollo take the case while I'm Co-council just there incase he gets stuck.

But  I couldn't leave this case to him. It my case...the defendant, I need to help her.

-----One day eariler------


"I'll get it daddy!It might be someone with talent." Trucy smilied picking up the phone.

"Wright anything agency here. You've came to the wright place. So whats you tale- oh..." It must be a client on the phone. Sometimes I feel bad for her, everytime she answers the phone she gets her hopes up and then its just a client.

"Well yes we do defend." She put her hand over the phone.

"Daddy it's client for you!"

"Give the case to apollo I don't want to defend anyone." I told her. I didnt want to defend anyone, because it wouldn't be the same.

" We will give you our very best defence attorney, Apollo justice!" She paused for a minute listening to the person on the other end of the line. "Well yes but he's busy on a case at the moment."

"Daddy this client really wants you to defend them."

"Why me? I'm not taking cases at the minute. "

She put the phone back to her ear. "I'm sorry but Mr Wright really isn't taking any cases at the moment. Well yeah I'm sure he could just talk to you before deciding."

I shook my head and Trucy sighed. "Errrr but d- Mr Wright can't come to them phone now."

Just then Apollo came through the door balancing some files in his arms.

"Please hold." Trucy muted the phone. "Here polly take this phone call and I'll move them files."

Apollo picked up the phone.

"Hello. Apollo Justice speaking...assistant?  Well I guess you could call me that but I am a lawyer as well. Oh then you must mean Trucy."

What were they talking about.  "But no one else works here appart from Mr Wright.  I've never heard of anyone by that name." Apollo followed Trucy to show her where to put the files.

I wondered why someone was so persistent in having me as their lawyer.  Now its mostly people calling for Apollo, he's earnt quite a name for himself after the Vera Misham trial.

Eventually Apollo came back into the room off the phone. 

"So who's your new client?" I asked.

"I dunno she really wanted you to defend her though, I left her on the phone with Trucy talking about the Iron infant." He laughed.

"So a client calls asking for my help and you- wait a minute. Iron Infant? That's not a spin off from the Steel Samurai is it? "

"Yeah...not that I watch it or anything."

I think I know who that person on the phone is.

I ran into Apollo's office where Trucy was talking on the phone and ordering files.

"Okay. I'll take the case!" I shouted. Trucy looked confused but handed the phone to me anyway. 


"Mr Nick! Finally I've been trying to get through to you all day."


"Don't sound so disappointed."

"No its just I thought you were Maya."

"What do you mean mystic Maya's supposed to be at your office."

"What?" I looked at the window half expecting to see her running down the street eating a burger.  " I haven't seen Maya in 7 years."

"I thought you still worked for her."

"First of all she worked for me.... she never told you what happened. "

"What happened?"

"Ill explain later. Why are you calling me now anyway?"

" sorry." She started crying. 


"It wasn't me...I didnt."

"Are you at Kurian?"

"Im at the detention center." Then she hung up.

What has happened?

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