Smartest Guy On The Football Team

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Kurt's POV

Wow I'm actually gonna do this. It's gonna be fine Kurt, you got this! I walked up to Ram. I was finally ready to confess my feelings. I hope it goes well.

"Hey Ram buddy."

"Hey Kurt!"

"We need to talk."

"Ok about what?"

I took a deep breath in. This is a bad idea. Why did I think I could do this? No I got this. I'm fine and Ram is my best friend. He'll understand and still be my friend if he says no. Right? Suddenly he started shaking me. While saying.

"Hey what were you gonna say?"

"Oh yeah."

"Come on you can tell me."

"I-I like you Ram."

"I like you too."

"No no like I like like you."

He went silent. He stared at me. His face unreadable. He might be angry or simply shocked. I can't tell. All I could feel was panic.

Was he gonna reject me? Was he gonna laugh and tell everyone? Was he gonna say he liked me back? Please let that be the answer.

I felt something slap me. I looked to see Ram. He was staring into my eyes. He seem angry. I mean obviously he slapped me. He looked at me and said something that crushed me.

"Your disgusting and I never want to see you again!"

He walked away. My world was shattered. And so was my heart...

I shot up from my bed. I was sweating bullets. I was just a dream. Well, more of a nightmare but whatever. These have been getting worse and worse.

I get up and get ready it was a Friday so I had to look good because I was going to a party straight after school. Ram was giving me a ride. Speaking of Ram he's probably about to call me.

Ring Ring motherfuc-

I quickly pick of my phone. And yes that is my ringtone for Ram. He recorded it himself. We were drunk don't ask questions.

"Hey Ram!"

"Hey Kurt remember th-"

"Party I know."

"Ok good and don't forget everyone is gonna be there so don't drink to much you might do something stupid."

"Wow how dare you I drink responsibly."

"Last party you got so drunk you did a backflip, and failed, into a folding table."

"It couldn't have been that bad."

"The table snap in half and your back cracked so loud everyone stopped and looked. Even the drunk girls who were making out with someone."

"Ok that was kinda bad."

"Mostly funny but it could have been worse."

"Ok ok I get it."

"You better or I'll drag you out myself."

"Ok mom."

"You'll thank me later."

"Bye Ram."

"Bye Kurt."

I hang up the phone. I like him I'll admit it. But there is no way I can tell him. I'm too scared. I can't tell him.

Not ever.

480 words

I'm writing a bunch of chapters in advance so I can prepare for summer. So if this is different from my writing style in the future then sorry.


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