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-> you two were at the barrens just talking like you did frequently, when his mood shifted.
"h-hey, y-y/n? can i t-t-tell you s-something?"
"yeah, of course bill, what's up?"
"well, i-i have thought a-a-a lot, um, about h-how to t-t-tell you th-this.."
"bill, is something wrong? your stutter hasn't been this bad in awhile."
"i just, uh, i-i-i need to t-tell you th-th-that.. i l-l-like y-y-y-" he tried to get out. you smiled and cut him off by hugging him tightly. he stopped, and hugged back.
"i.. i like you too, bill." you both smiled, and started laughing. you kept talking after bill calmed down, and he walked you home. he gave you a small peck on the cheek before you went inside.

-> you two were in the arcade, minding your own business, when henry, victor and belch came over and started saying really rude things to you both. henry shoved richie down and you lost it. you pulled richie off the disgusting, sticky arcade floor, and let henry have it. you called him everything you could think of; idiot, asshole, fucker, illiterate-fuckwad, just to name a few, basically everything you've wanted to call him since you met him. you saw the anger boiling in him, and you knew he was gonna have a field day with you two as soon as you finished. so before he could hit you, or richie again, you grabbed richie's hand and kicked henry in the shin before pulling richie along and screaming "run!" you two ran for 10 minutes before you finally lost them. you ran behind the drug store into an alley, breathing insanely heavy, and you bent down with your hands on your knees trying to catch your breath.
"woah! that was insane!" richie shouted breathlessly.
"i guess so, yeah." you chuckled.
"seriously, that was so cool! you're so cool! oh my god this is why i like you so much, you're just so amazing!" he shouted excitedly. his face dropped from a smiling one to a shocked one once he realized what he said. you looked at him shocked as well, then started laughing.
"what's so funny?" richie asked, defensively, but a smile soon grew on his face when you saw you laughing.
"i like you, too, you idiot." you said.

-> you two were sitting on your bed, and you were listening to eddie complain about his mom. he likes venting to you, because you're good at listening and don't judge anything he tells you. he was getting really worked up and started wheezing, which happened a lot when he got angry. he grabbed for his aspirator and took a sharp breath into it. when you noticed he started to freak out, you tried to calm him down.
"listen, eds, just breathe, alright? slow down, don't freak out. i know it's difficult, your mom being really protective, i get it. but anytime anything happens and you just need to leave? you can always come here. i'll always be here for you." you rubbed his back as his breathing slowed down to a normal pace. he chuckled a little.
"i don't think your mom would appreciate me being here all the time." he said.
"oh, no, it's fine. my mom likes you almost as much as i do." you said. eddie smiled and put his aspirator back in his fanny pack.
"eds, i do. i.." you inhaled deeply and quickly. "i really like you." he thought you meant as a friend until he looked into your eyes and his cheeks burned red.
"wait, like, you, like, like me?" eddie hesitated. you nodded while a microscopic small grew slowly on your face. he quickly jabbed his hand into his fanny pack again and almost swallowed his aspirator.
"sorry. me too. oh, but uh about you, ya know? i mean to say, i-i-i like you not myself, like i'm saying i also, feel that but towards you not me. fuck." he rambled, and put his hands over his face to hide his reddening face. you giggled at him.

•ben (this one is a little cheesy but i feel like ben would be cheesy soo)
-> you were at home sitting on your bed writing in your journal when you heard a ring at the doorbell. you ran downstairs and opened the door to see ben. he was holding a handful of (favourite colour) flowers that he picked himself. he was wearing his favourite jeans and his "fancy shirt", which you told him looked way to fancy to wear to any event held in Derry, but also reassured to him that you liked it nonetheless. he was fixing his shirt when you opened the door. you smiled at the boy.
"hey, ben, um," you giggled. "what are you doing all dressed up?" you gestured with one finger towards his unusual get up. you then noticed there was sweat on his forehead, and he was breathing heavily.
"y/n, i need to tell you that i-well i really like you, y/n. i think you're beautiful, funny, and just an amazing person. so, to sum up, i like you a-and i hope you feel the same. al-although it's fine if, you, don't." he grinned a little, and stuck out the bouquet of flowers towards you. you were smiling during his whole speech (that, knowing ben, probably was a product of his rehearsing it in his mirror all the night before). you took the flowers, and stepped out of the house to hug him. he hugged back, gently; timidly.
"of course i feel the same way. i like you too, ben." you said into the hug. you heard him exhale pure relief, and giggle as he hugged you tighter.

-> he brought you out to your favourite place you've been birdwatching with him. he was amping himself up the entire time, and every time he went to tell you, his throat would close up and he would start feeling nauseous. so, he just spit it out. he had his binoculars over his eyes, and you two were looking up into the trees.
"hey, i think i see another-"
"I really like you." he spat.
"what?" you lowered your binoculars.
"i like you a lot. and not in just.. like.. friend, like way, ya know? oh for cripes sake.." he kept rambling until you started laughing at how undeniably adorable the boy is. you told him you liked him too and you had honestly never seen him more relieved.

-> his confession was super casual, just like the way you guys met and usually hung out, but equally sweet. you were riding bikes with him around Derry one day, since your father told you to go out and have fun before the curfew. you had stopped by the quarry, and sat at the highest point throwing rocks into the water. he turned to you after awhile.
"hey, y/n?"
"yeah, mikey?" you giggled at the nickname a little. he smiled.
"i need to tell you something that's been on my mind for some time now. i really like you. as more than a friend, i mean. you don't need to feel the same, and if you don't, we can just go back to throwing rocks." he said, then chucked another pebble into the water. you took a second, staring at him, then smiled wide.
"i like you, too, mikey." he smiled back at you. you two hugged then he brought you home, giving you a peck on the cheek and leaving.

-> beverly had been dropping hints for the past few weeks, which you were slightly oblivious too, though you could tell something was different. since being gay/bi wasn't accepted, she wasn't sure about coming straight (haha get it straight) out and telling you. she was sick of dropping hints though, and thought that if you rejected her, she'd just have to deal with it. you two were at your house while your parents were gone for the weekend, and not at beverly's for obvious reasons, and you were sitting with her in your room listening to music, facing the ceiling. dean martin's "everybody loves somebody" came on.
"oh, this is my favourite love song!" you gasped. (if you don't know the song go listen rn it's amazing)
"yeah? mine, too.." she started. she cleared her throat a little.
"i like it cause', ya know, it's true, right? everybody loves somebody, and sometimes, you just have to tell people when you feel a certain way, don't you think?" she spoke slowly, and fidgeted with her fingers on her stomach.
"yeah, i do." you say up on your elbows and looked at her, grinning. you turned your head back to look at the ceiling, until bev sat up. you followed. she exhaled deeply.
"okay. y/n, i.. i really like you. you might think that's weird and, i'm really sorry if this ruins our friendship, but i need to tell you. i understand if you never want to talk to me again." her eyes got a bit glossy as she talked, and she couldn't look you in the eyes. you grabbed both her hands in yours, forcing her eyes to meet yours.
"bev, i would never stop talking to you. you're the most important person in my life. and, " you paused, looking into her beautiful blue eyes that resembled the quarry in both depth and captivity.
"i really like you, too." you grinned, squeezing her hands. her face went from one of shock to one of ecstasy, as she tackled you in a hug and accidentally knocked both of you off the bed and onto the floor. you both laughed and stayed hugging for a few minutes, before you proceeded to listen to music while you played with her auburn curls.

okay ngl i kinda cried while writing bev's one. oof.. i want a girlfriend 😅
also i thought it would be more appropriate to have y/n confess to eddie cuz he would never get the nerves to do that without literally digesting his inhaler sooooo..

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