Chapter 2

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Binders still on, the Mandalorian quickly shoves you into the cockpit of his large, beaten down ship.

"Who hired you?" You ask with little patience

"If you're asking who put the bounty on your head, I don't know, take a seat," Mando replied sharply, pointing to the chair behind the pilot's seat and not even bothering to look at you.

"Well, who gave you the puck?"

The Mandalorian ignored you as he messed with the controls and lifted the ship into the air.

"Greef Carga. I'm in the guild; he gives me the pucks." He finally responded.

"And what were you told I was wanted for?"


You couldn't contain the laughter that erupted from you, finally causing Mando to turn his head towards you.

"Smuggling," You repeated through the laughter, "That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Please tell me you saw straight through that when I saw I lived on a farm."

"Yes. It doesn't change that you're the highest bounty I've seen in some time."

"How much?"

"That's nothing you need to worry about," Mando had run out of patience with you, "Now keep quiet before I make you."

He turned his complete attention to the controls has the ship left the planet's atmosphere. You set your thoughts to the events that had just occurred. Somebody is lying to get to you, and whether it's a careful friend or foe wasn't clear yet. Cases could be made for each. Silence had taken over the cockpit when the hologram of an older man appeared on the dash.

"Mando! Have you obtained the quarry yet?"

"Yes, not without some trouble from other hunters, though."

"That's what I was afraid of. Another bounty has been placed on her, and it's twice as high. They want proof of death."

Your heart plummeted, the wind completely knocked out of you. The Mandalorian's head was again turned towards you, just over his shoulder. You did your best to keep a neutral expression, but who exactly was after you was starting to click into place and you couldn't push the fear away for much longer.

"I'm bringing her in alive like I was hired to do."

"Good. The client has offered to bump up your reward if you bring her straight to them alive. Safe passage, Mando."

With the ship now on autopilot, the Mandalorian spun his seat towards. He didn't speak, just stared, seeming to study you and wait for something but you weren't sure what.

"Are you expecting a thank you?" You asked firmly, wanting to break the growing tension.

"Who wants you dead?"

"I don't know." You lied.

"For some reason, I don't believe that," He leaned in closer, "I also don't believe you've been a quiet farmer all your life."

"Well, I'm not concerned about what you believe."

In a flash, he has his blaster drawn and aimed towards you "I could use a vacation, and the reward for your proof of death would be more than enough."

"Oh stop with the dramatics, you're not going to shoot me or you would have done so already," You leaned in even closer to the Mandalorian, so you were only a foot away from his helmet, "Besides, you don't seem like the kind of man who is fond of vacations."

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