The Tour...

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I made my way back to the gym hall after seeing that really hot jock, every body was standing in separate groups so when i got into the hall the principal told me what group to join, and to my luck, it was obviously full of those girls from earlier and one guy. The dude saw that the girls were making fun of me so he came over and talked to me asking if i was okay
"ignore them, they think they're everything" he said to me.
"thank you" i replied.

The tour guide started making his way around the school with us all following, the school was pretty big to be honest. He showed us around the cafeteria, then the hallways and where all the classrooms are. We started to walk past the football field when someone asked whats that, our tour guide started to take us over there and introduced us to the football team. And that was when i realised the guy from earlier was in the team, i mean i should of guessed he was on the team as when i saw him he had all his gear on. The tour guide started introducing us to the team, i said to the guy in my group that i recognised one of the players and said how his locker is next to mine. He replied back saying "my big sister used to date him, he's the best looking and most popular guy in the school, his name is Lewis kelly"

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