Chapter 2

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"Mooooooommm!!" I groan standing at the airport.
"Honey come on." She says pulling me a little.
"I don't wannaaaaaaa!" I groan again.
"Honey just get on the plane."
"I don't want to get on the damn plane! I bet the fag doesn't even want to see me I mean he hasn't for 17 years so why start now." i hiss and people look at me.
"Do I have to drag you?"
"Ughhhh Kathryn Parker would you just get on the plane and go see your dad? please?" she pleads and I groan.
"Ugh. FINE. I will go see him. But I wont be nice to the fag." I hiss and she roll her eyes laughing.
"Alright baby cub just go." She says. Pushing me slightly. I laugh and walk into the plane.
"Oh goody! thanks mom! ugh I hate flying!" I shout drawing attention to myself. Once the plane takes off I grab the arm rests in a death grip.
"Oh shit. Nope nope. God damn it. Oh I hate this. Sweet baby Jesus. Why oh why must the fag live in fucking California. 17 years. He went 17 damn years with out seeing me why must he choose now to want to see me." I groan everyone stares at me.
"Can you shut up??" some one hisses.
"Oh you want me to shut up?? huh? well your in one hell of a plane ride buddy. That was an idiotic move." I shout.
-time skip-
"Oh sweet land. I thought I would never see you again!" I shout dramatically once we got out of the plane. everyone groans looking at me.
"Okay now to find the fag..." I say looking around. I see a sign with Kathryn Parker on it and I strut over.
"Are you ms.Parker?" he asks and I nod.
"Hell yah I am."
"Right this way miss." He says guesturing to, get this, a big ass limo.
"Woah! are you sure that you have the name right?" I ask shocked. He nods, "Damn." I get in and mess with the button.
"Oooo a mini fridge!" I look inside and smile. I take out the wine and open it.
"The wine is extra miss." the driver says.
"Ooooh I know. Trust me I know."
"Are you paying for it or will mr.Parker be paying?"
"The fa- I mean Mr.Parker will be." I say smirking. I pour myself a glass and start drinking.
-time skip-
"Miss we are here." the driver says opening the door.
"Wooooo!" I yell and get out, "its bout time my ass is asleep." I say and walk forward. i stop in my tracks when I see a huge mansion.
"Damn!" I shout and stumble forward.
"Miss how much did you drink?" the driver asks.
"Hmmm about half a bottle maybe. It's all cool."
"How old are you?"
"Uuummmm tooootally 21." I say and walk off towards the house. I knock on the door frantically. A girl opens it.
"Is everything alright??" she asks.
"No! I'm gonna get caught by the police! their coming. THEIR COMING FOR ME!" I shout dramatically falling forward. She catches me.
"Uh. Here come in come in." She says pulling me in. She sits me on the couch and then walks into the kitchen. I hear whispering and I fall dramatically.
"Oh no! they found me! THEY FOUND MEH! This is the end isnt it? goodbye cruel world!" I shout choking back a laugh. The girl comes running back in with a man following. He looks at me and gasps.
"Kathryn?" he whispers. I look over and sit up.
"Oh so your the faggot? huh. Nice to know." I stand up and walk over. They're mouths are hanging opened so I close them and pat their heads.
"There you go. You know flys can nest in there." I say smirking. They just stare at me. I put my hand on my hip and glare.
"Are you gonna stand there are are you gonna show me my room?" I ask and the driver walks in holding my bags.
"Miss I will need to see your ID. "
"oh no! he found me!" I shout and hide behind the girl.
"Maximus, why do you need her ID?" the fag asks.
"She drank a huge bottle of wine sir." He explains and they all look at me.
"Yo I ain't no lightweight! And it was only half bro. OH SHIT! WHERES MY GOD DAMN PHONE???" I shout patting my pockets. I pull it out and quickly call Pepper. She answers on the first ring.
"You bitch." She states.
"I'm sorry I forgot to call you. I'm just here standing in a damn mansion. And I rode here in a Fucking limo so I drank some wine and decided to mess with the faggot." I snicker. She laughs.
"Damn baby girl faggot got swag." she says and I laugh.
"Yah I was all like THEIR COMIN FOR MEH!"
"Dude that's your go to thing! find something new like stare at your hands and be like.... what have I done.... WHAT HAVE I DONE??!?! YOU HAVE TO HIDE ME! I-I-I I have nowhere else to go!"
"Yas totally should."
"See that's why I'm your best friend."
"Exactly and wanna see why I'm yours..."
"Yas. If you put how I met your mother Big Bang theory and two and a half men you would get...."
"HOW I BANGED YOUR MOTHER WIT TWO IN HALF MEN!" I scream and we burst out laughing.
"Alright I gotta go. Faggot has to show me my room before I pass out right here on the floor. Bye bitch."
"Love you."
"Love you too. tell Devon I'm expecting him to call me. Like in.... 3 minutes. I'm counting."
"YOU MEAN KAT??" I hear Devon yell back.
"YUP! kk love you Kitty Kat!"
"Love you too Pepper. Don't forget to shake it."
"Only way I know how. Byeee!"
"Byeeeeee!" I hang up and look at them.
"Show me my room." I hiss and the fag grabs my bags gesturing for me to follow him.
"So any cute guys?"
"Um I guess..."
"...Are you gay?"
"What no."
"Well you said there is cute guys."
"I mean for yo- okay here's your room me and Tanya are leaving so you'll be here alone... can you handle that?"
"Um yah! and that's the tramps name? HA! sounds like a bitches name."
"Don't disrespect my mat-" he cuts himself off and gets quiet for a sec.
"Were you gonna fucking say mattress?? that's fucking messed up! im your damn daughter you fuck wad!" I hiss and he growls.
"Did you just fucking growl at me??? what the fuck???" I shout. He calms down drops my bags and walks away.
"Rude ass mother fucker." I mutter under my breath. I hear them leave and I laugh.
"Welp. Time to fuck up their house." I snicker and go down stairs.

Next chapter will be good.
I feel like this is kinda rushed...
Oh well
Pic of Kat at the top

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