Part 13

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'What was that?' Harry asks after I walk back in the room.

'Nothing... I'm just tired I guess. Sorry. Didn't mean to ruin the fun,' I groan, feeling quite torn. I know she was just teasing him but still... it seemed too real to me. Just another person to take her away.

And then she kissed me. Did she want me jealous? And then let me know with that? Ugh, she is too complicated sometimes.

Just then I notice Harry has taken me under a great deal of observation.

'Can I help you...?' I wonder what he's doing.

'You still love Arabella.'


'You weren't tired, you were jealous!' Harry smirks, 'You do love her!'

'What? No Harry that's ridiculous!' I object.

'Is it?' he raises an eyebrow and smiles. I sigh, there's no use. Harry can read me so easily. We're both open books to each other.

'No, I mean yes! Ugh... What's it to you anyway?' I snap.

'Doesn't matter I guess,' Harry shrugs with a cheeky smile, 'Goodnight Boo Bear.' Then he walks off singing, 'Louis and Arabella sitting in a tree...'

'Harry!' I hiss, 'Stop that!'

'NEVER!' He calls back. But he's out of earshot, so I don't think it even matters anymore.

'Louis?' Zayn calls.

I fall on the couch, 'What?' Zayn comes out of his bedroom. 'You hear Harry? You here to rub it in too? Yes, I still like her okay?'

'Umm... no. I came out to make sure you're okay. Which clearly, you're not,' Zayn says bluntly.

'Yeah, I realise,' I chuckle, 'But I don't wanna ruin our friendship...'

'Remember what we decided the first day of shooting?' he asks.

I think back... two weeks seems like forever.

'You guys told me I should stick with Eleanor...' I mutter. I had forgotten.

'So. Now's the time to decide if that choice was right or not,' Zayn advises. I sigh, I really don't know. 'Just something to think about.'

'Thats what Harry said when he told me I needed to 'focus on my career' without Arabella. Look where that's gotten me...' I murmur.

'Well Harry's an idiot,' Zayn says.

'HEY!' Harry screeches from his room, 'I HEARD THAT!'

'Sorry! He means your MY idiot!' I call.

'You can do better. But love you too Lou!' he calls.

'Hey! We're trying to sleep in here!' Liam yells from his and Niall's room.

'I know you love each other, but you don't have to do this every night?!' Niall groans loudly.

'You're just jealous! Now goodnight!' Harry concludes the conversation and we all yell 'Goodnight's from our spots.

I laugh to myself. 'Alright. I'll think about it.'

'Good. G'night Louis,' Zayn says, then walks to his room. I stay on the couch, though. I think about what he said. Eleanor or Arabella. I love them both. But in entirely different ways.

I slowly drift into an unruly sleep. But I was better off awake.

"'Where am I?' I yell. I'm standing in sand. Water surrounds me, anywhere I turn, all I see is the vast blue ocean.

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