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    Once Upon a Time, there were two kingdoms, the Galra Kingdom, and the Altea Kingdom. Both kingdoms were at peace until one day, war broke out. This war lasted for decades and it kept getting worst; blood was spilled on each and any other battle field the Galra and the Altea fought at. Both kingdoms want the war to end so each would tell a messenger to go to the other kingdom and invite them to a peace treaty. Sadly, the messengers would never make to the other kingdoms because of a group called, the Galra group.

   The Galra group is a group that wants to kill off all of the Altean people. Their leader, Zarkon, vowed he would make sure all the Alteans were dead. When both of the kingdoms found out of the Galra group, they decided to have the messages be sent by pigeons. Both agreed on the peace treaty only for each kingdom to allow one thing. One heir from both kingdoms will have to marry each other for peace to be restored.

   When the Galra group found out about the agreement, they got really mad, trying to figure out how a messenger got to the other kingdom. Since Zarkon or the group couldn't do anything about it, they all made a vow; if the prince or princess of the Galra kingdom came into the woods, they would return her to her palace but if a prince or princess of the Altea kingdom came into the woods, they would be killed. However, what the group doesn't know is that, nothing can stop the magic of true long, here's the story:...

You'll always be my princess (Voltron fantasy AU and Lance x fem Keith)Where stories live. Discover now