Chapter 1

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April 21st, 2016-
Time~6:55 AM

Ah, Saturday! The perfect day to sleep in, have fun with friends at the mall, or just chill out at home. However, Penn Zero and his friends were not so fortunate. The redhead himself was now in front of his high school, sitting on the backseat of his father's car. "I can't believe I'm doing this." Penn muttered under his breath.

"Hey, kiddo!" Brock said to his son from the drivers seat. "You excited for first official Saturday detention?" He joked. "Oh yes, just the thought of spending 8 hours in the library under the watch of my sadistic art teacher just spells fun." Penn deadpanned. "Well, sweetie. Don't let Rippen get to you. However, you need to face the consequences for your actions." Vonnie told her son. "I know. Though in hindsight, that was a good prank." Penn said, smirking just for a bit. Though, who knew a prank involving glue would get him and the others detention. "And besides, I think that I can handle detention." He added. "Good. You should probably get going. We don't want you to be late." Brock said. "Okay. See you guys later." Penn said quickly hugging his parents and getting of the car, and saw his parents drove off.

He sighed and headed inside the school. As he did, he saw his friends, Sashi Kobayashi and Boone Wiseman, talking to each other by the halls. "Hey guys." Penn said, walking over to them. "Hey, PZ." Sashi greeted, smiling at him. "How ya doing, bro?" Boone asked. "I'm okay. Though I feel bad for dragging you guys into this." The redhead said, looking down a bit. "Don't say that. This was our pranks as much as yours." Sashi told him. "Yeah. Don't blame yourself, dude." Boone added. "Thanks guys. Now come on. Let's get this over with." He said, nodding and the three fist bumped and headed to the library.

The library was huge, but was by far big enough for them. Penn sat in a table in the front, Boone behind him, and Sashi sat in a table to his right. When looking around, Penn saw two other girls walking in. The first one had red fire like hair like Penn's and blue eyes with freckles over her face. She wore a white t-shirt, blue jeans, white sneakers, and a green zipped up jacket with a single white stripe on the sides of the sleeves. The other girl was a brunette who's hair reached her shoulders and was a bit wavy and was pulled back in a ponytail with a green scrunchie. She had chocolate brown eyes and had fair skin. The brunette wore a navy blue tank top underneath a orange and blue flannel shirt, dark blue jeans, and white converse sneakers.

Penn was surprised how that brunette girl in flannel looked very pretty.

The brunette had a worried, or even scared look on her face. The redhead girl saw this and gave her a smile and squeezed her hand. "Don't worry, El. We'll survive." She told her. The brunette, assumed El, nodded and smiled back at the redhead girl. "Hm. They're probably best friends or something." The former part time hero thought. He saw El walk over to him while the other girl took the seat next to Boone. "Is that seat taken?" She asked quietly enough for him to hear. "Oh no. Go on." He said, giving her a sweet smile. El smiled back and sat next to him. "I'm El Hopper." She said, offering her hand to him. "Penn Zero." He said, shaking it, and was surprised on how perfect their hands fitted.

"Um. This is my friend, Max Mayfield." El said, pointing to the redhead girl. The girl, Max, smiled. "Sup?" She asked. "Hey." Penn said. "And these are my friends, Sashi Kobayashi and Boone Wiseman." Penn said, introducing the others. Everyone said a wave of hellos and heys. "Don't worry, friends. We'll be out before we know it." Max said. "Are the boys, Steve and Robin here?" El asked Max who nodded. "Boys?" Boone asked. "You'll see. Brought the supplies?" Max asked her friend, who nodded. "In my purse." El said, patting her small black backpack that was on the floor. She then turned to Penn. "Just follow our lead." She said, and he nodded.

There was something about this El girl that was making him all giddy inside.

His mood changed however when he saw the human equivalent of a migraine, also known as Rippen, walk through the library doors. "There he is. The living definition of an extinct dinosaur." Max whispered to El. "Well, well," Rippen started, "I'm glad you all could make it in on time. For the next-" Rippen glanced down at his watch, "7 hours and 54 minutes, you will all sit here, and think about what you've done to land yourself this detention." He began to walk down the rows of desks and chairs and he placed a piece of paper on the desk directly in front of each of the five students. "You will not talk, and you will not move," he stated coldly. "What you will do is write a 1,000 word essay about who you think you are." He noticed Penn starting to nod off, and he hurriedly walked over to his desk and pounded his fist down on it, startling poor El. And, we most certainly will stay awake, isn't that right Penn Zero?"

Well, it most certainly isn't left," Penn replied sarcastically. Rippen glared at Penn. He then turned on his heel, and marched back through the library doors, and to his office. After Rippen's grand exit, the five students sat in silence. Every now and then however, you could here a hum or a tap. But about 10 minutes in to the humdrum, a repeated cracking sound erupted from the library . The others  gazed to the back to investigate where the noise came from. What they saw was the El biting her nails furiously in the front of the library.

"If you keep eating your hand you won't have any room for lunch," Sashi said bluntly. "Hey, leave her alone. She's just nervous." Penn said, defending the brunette. "Yeah. Excuse me for being nervous. This is my first ever major heist ever." El added to defend herself. "So back off, Kobayashi." Max finished, giving the Asian girl a small glare. Sashi huffed and muttered a 'whatever' and looked away. "Thanks." El whispered. "No problem." Penn whispered back. The redhead leaned his head back and El rested her head against his shoulder and they both sighed.

This was going to be a long day.

A/N: I like to thank cartooncrash24 for the idea and inspiration for this story. Yes, this is another Stranger Things/ Penn Zero crossover.

So, the Dream Team and the female Party members are stuck in Saturday detention, but it seems that El and Max have a few ideas up their sleeves. Also, we know why the Dream Team is here, but what about the other two girls?

Feel free to take a guess.

Also, if you happen to like Byler more than Mileven, you're probably gonna like this book.

See ya!!

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