Dare #12

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Me: Hallo!!!! I'm back!!!!


Me: This isn't a show Sideswipe!!!!! Turn off the crickets!!!!

Sideswipe: *presses button*

Me: How'd you even manage that?!?!?

Sideswipe: *Shrugs*

Me: He's not talking. Who broke him?!?!?

Russell: I jinxed him

Me: Oh, How long?

Russell: Until he gets a truth

Me: No one give him a truth, please

Sideswipe: *glaring at me*

Me: Okay!!!! Anyway!!!!

Bumblebee: Anyway what?

Me: I got a dare

Strongarm: What's the dare?

Me: *smirks*

Steeljaw: It's a dare we won't like, isn't it?

Me: Yep

Sideswipe: *growls*

Fixit: What's the dare?

Me: I have to give you all baths, is the first part, the second part, I'll explain later

Fracture: Good, Divebomb and Airazor need one. Actually half the people her need one

Me: Good to know. Jack!!!!

Jack: I was working on something.

Me: Good to know!!! I need help with a dare!!!!

Jack: Really?

Me: I have to give 'em all baths

Jack: That'll be easy we both have dogs

Me: Yeah, but their not wolves

Jack: True

Me: Now, who's first?

Everyone but sideswipe,fracture, and drift: *run*

Me: Well Divebomb and Airazor are first!!!!

Fracture: *gives them to me and Jack*



Jack: I am soaking wet.........

Divebomb: *laughing evilly*

Starlight: Need help?(a/n starlight belongs to @thepoisondragon (I don't know why but it's not working))

Me: This is our guest!!!! And yes please!!!!

Starlight: *picks up Airazor and puts him in the bath tub thingy*

Me: *squirts soap on Airazor*

Airazor: Help!!!! *tries to get out of the bath tub thingy*

Me: Nein!!!!! *pulls him back*

Little later

Me: *scratches their bellies*

Me: Done!!!!!!

Jack: Finally!!!!

Starlight: I'll grab the next set of minicons


Me: Jetstorm stop doing the puppy dog eyes

Jetstorm: 🥺

Me: Why must you do this?

Truth or Dare with Transformers RID (requests on hold) Where stories live. Discover now