chapter 6

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naruto pov  

i have been in this world for 2 years now balthazar has been thers by my side since he has found me whith the note frum tousan.
for my first birthday balthazar put my fathers letter in a fram and put it on my wall i got up from my bed and took a shower once done i got changed and went to the kitchen balthazar had my breakfast out on the table for me  hello young master good morning balthazar i responded back i sat down and ate my morning mealthen i hear a taping at the window.
balthazar the owl is hear with the mail bring the mail to the sitingroom balthazarright away young master oh and balthazar bring me some sake yes master he bow's and i sit in my chair once seated balthazr brings the sake.and the mail he hands me a letter opener ans pours my sake in a cup i take a gulp and pours a second cup .once done bring me some greenteahe noded and took away the sweet wine i opend the first  letter i opend it and there siting in my lap was my hogwarts letter balthzar i yelledonce i called him he comes in the room with my green tea he bows and pour my green tea  my hogwarts letter has come i handed the letter to him with a big grin


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