Chpt 1

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I'm sitting on my bed on my computer editing my latest video so I can post it tomorrow afternoon when I get a FaceTime from my bestfriend Sydney on my computer
"Hello bestie" I say still looking at my computer "Bitch have you checked yo phone in the last 45 minutes?!" She says hella enthused. "Girl no I'm editing you know I turn it on dnd what's wrong?" Bitch my baby daddy commented on your latest post bitch why you didn't tell me you knew the ball brothers!!" " I give her a weird look and sigh and grab my phone and get on Instagram and go to my latest post and see LaMelo ball followed me and commented on my latest post telling me to check my messages. "Girl it never came up in a conversation and I haven't talked to that boy since 10th grade" "Did y'all stop talking on bad terms or something" " No it's nothing like that, we moved and we just lost contact pretty much , he was my bestfriend from kindergarten till then" "Well bitch tell him if he need a new friend I am here for whatever he need " she says laughing sticking her tongue out. Sydney and me are complete opposites but that's what's best about us , I balance her crazy. "Girl goodbye , I ain't telling him a damn thing" I laugh and hang up. I open his message and it says "Hey Ari, it's been a minute bruh ❤️"
Wassup slime 💚 , missed you man
Slime?😂 you a thug now? Been gone 2 years and you tough huh?
We just reconnected, please don't work my nerves already 🙄😂🤦🏾‍♀️.
I have to😂. But I'm proud of you with this YouTube thing I been watching your videos for a while now honestly
Why are you just now reaching out then hmmmm🤨
I thought you would be mad at me honestly for us falling apart
Honestly , it was both our faults , we both got to busy and life happened ya know? But we good now and that's all that matters💚 but I'm editing can you FaceTime me?
Yeah send your number

I sent him my phone number and 2 seconds later he was calling I answered to him smiling big in the camera "Bruh it's actually you" "well who else would it be goofy, why are you cheesing like that" I say laughing at him "I'm so happy right now , we got a lot to catch up on , so how's life in Arizona" "it's fine I guess, I won't be here too much longer because of college how's basketball and the family , I miss them too" when I say them , I mean gelo mainly . I mean of course I miss Melo but me and his brothers relationship was completely different. Back when I was 15 and he was 17 we messed around on and off but we hid it . He was my first kiss and my first ...ya know . "Everybody's good , they all downstairs hold on I'm about to surprise them" he says getting up walking out his room. I haven't talked to any of them in so long , what if they don't accept me or remember me . Why am I getting nervous , probably because I could be about to talk to gelo for the first time in 2 almost 3 years . "Hey y'all guess who I'm on the phone with right now" I can't help but to giggle about how happy he is right now , I mean I am too don't get me wrong but nobody has been this excited about seeing me in a long time. "Don't nobody feel like guessing nigga who?" I hear a deeper voice say and I can tell it's zo. " my old bestfriend Ari look" he turns the phone around and I seen everybody sitting in the living room , I wave and say "Hey y'all" zo gets up and takes the phone from melo and says " Oh shit Ari what's up sis ?" "Nothing I missed you guys man , congrats on the nba and everything man , I'm proud of you seriously and the baby" "Thanks sis I appreciate it a lot" I hear lavar in the background "Hey Ari g" he's been calling me Ari g since the first time I meant him , even before he knew my last name was grenne. "Hey pops , hey ms Tina" "hello A-ari" after her stroke I'm shocked she knows me still , it breaks my heart about what happened to her but to see her growth is amazing honestly . Then I hear a very familiar voice in the background "Who's on the phone?" was him .. I felt my heart drop and I felt lightheaded just a little .. what is wrong with me can somebody I haven't seen in a while have such a hold on me. Zo says "It's ari , melo old bestfriend" I see him walk up and smile at me "what's up Ari" it's takes me a second but I finally say "Uh Hey Gelo" . I'm so stupid I know it's obvious I'm nervous as fuck. "It's good to hear from you guys again I gotta go so I can finish editing this video but hey get my number from melo and text me and stuff y'all" everybody says bye to me and I hang up . I fall back on my bed . Could I have still have feelings for him. How is that possible. I have to call syd about this ASAP!

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