Chapter 24

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The next day Xander helps me move my things into his place and I received my key to the penthouse. This is all so unreal to me. Who knew in less than 2 months I would move in with Xander. I was officially added onto his lease even though he would be the one to cover the rent. I know I can't afford his place yet. I still have a month left as his assistant and I have less than a month to train his new assistant.

When my 30-days are up, I start my new job as a CEO. The first time I went to the office everyone was so welcoming despite the change of leadership. During my first months at my company, I learned all the employees by their names and what they do. I also scored two resort openings that are to open in 2 years and I'm on my way to score my next big deal. Outside of work, Xander would always come home soon after I arrived even though I would have a longer commute. Each evening after work we eat dinner and talk about our day but no matter what Xander would always ask how I am. I knew what he meant when he asked me this question. Personally, I have been getting used to the constant morning sickness and my body wanting to wake up an hour earlier than my set alarm for work. My doctor has reassured me that my case is normal and that pregnancies vary for each person. I just hope it eventually stops because it's annoying. 

On a Saturday morning, Xander and I have our first appointment together because of the last one. At that visit, I learned how far along I was and I received my first ultrasound. I was alone at that time but for this visit, Xander would be there with me.

When we get to the doctor's office, Xander is excited as I am. We get to the waiting room to sign in and wait. After ten minutes or so we're called into the office. Dr. Blanchard greets us and asks me how I am. I tell her I'm doing okay and when I'm inside the room I'm asked to sit on the bed so she can check me out before we get to the ultrasound. Dr. Blanchard tells me to lay on the bed and lift up my shirt so she can squirt the cold gel on my stomach. She turns on the machine and begins to move the instrument around my stomach.

"If you look on the monitor and see that big dot right there," She says while pointing to the top of the screen, "that's the baby." I stare at the monitor and I'm amazed that something so tiny is inside me. I look away from the monitor and I look to Xander. I see that he too is studying the monitor just as I was. I can see a small tear fall down his beautiful face. I gently squeeze his hand to catch his attention and he averts his eyes to look down at me. When the doctor looks at the screen, Xander swiftly plants a kiss on my forehead. 

After we receive a sonogram we schedule our next appointment. When we get to the penthouse that morning I can see Xander studying the sonogram photo. Seeing him at the doctor's office and looking at the monitor was a moment I would always cherish. 

The next day we spend our time visiting Xander's sister and her fiance. We decided the other night we would tell his sister and her fiance over dinner about our baby. Xander came to the conclusion that he has to speed up the divorce settlement for both of our sake. Also, I should be showing soon and we both don't want to hide this huge secret from his sister any longer.

When we get to the house I walk into the house and instantly smell various spices coming from the kitchen. Xander promises he won't take long with Nick before dinner starts. As he leaves to talk to Nick I make my way to the kitchen because I can only assume Alizah is cooking. Sure enough, when I enter the kitchen I see Alizah at the island kitchen seasoning a chicken. She looks up when I'm in her peripheral.

"Hey, Natalia!" She says and quickly cleans her hands from what she was working on and quickly hugs me. "How are you?" 

"I'm doing well and you?" I ask.

"Good I still have a few things to make for dinner so it might take a while." She says while pointing to all of the food ingredients set on the kitchen island.

"No worries! I'll help." I say while rolling up the sleeves of my long-sleeved top. 

"Thanks! Can you start on chopping the vegetables?" I nod and we begin talking about our week minus the doctor's visit. Less than an hour later, the chicken is cooking and the vegetables are sauteed while we set the table. After an hour of Alizah making me laugh with her mindless stories about her work the chicken is ready and we call the guys to announce that dinner is ready. They shortly enter the kitchen as we place the food on the table.

"So I see that you put Natalia to work again?" Xander says.

"No, I offered to help," I say defending Alizah and she smiles at me.

When we are all seated we eat and keep a light conversation. For some reason, I'm feeling too nervous to speak up and Xander takes notice by reaching out to squeeze my freehand. 

"If you excuse me, Natalia and I have something to tell you," Xander politely says and I take a deep breath while attempting to keep calm.

"What is it?" Alizah asks while she continues eating.

"Xander and I...we..." I stumble on how I want to tell her but I can't find the right words to say. Xander decides to speak for the two of us after noticing my stumble for words.

"Natalia and I are expecting," Xander says abruptly and I feel my cheeks start to get red.

"Your pregnant? How far along are you?" She asks calmly.

"Yes, I'm only ten weeks," I answer back trying to keep my words even. I'm unsure if she's happy for us because unlike Xander I can't read her.

"We hope that you guys know we are serious about us and the baby," Xander says. Alizah takes a sip of her water. After a moment Nick speaks up.

"It does complicate things with your divorce but I'm happy for you man," Nick says and I see Xander smile.

"I'm happy for both of you and whoever makes my brother happy makes me happy. Also, I'm going to be a cool aunt soon." She says smiling and I see Xander's shoulder's relaxed.

"Thank you guys for understanding us and for supporting us." I'm surprised that everything went well and that Alizah was so calm about it even though I had some small inkling of doubts.

When we finish our dinner and I help with the dishes while Alizah begins asking me questions like when I'll know the gender and if I thought of any baby names. I tell her it's too early to tell also Xander and I haven't discussed whether we want to know the gender. There are many things I haven't thought about and I need to talk to Xander but that's for a later conversation. For now, I'm glad that we told part of his family. I'm content that I have another friend that I can talk to about my pregnancy about instead of keeping it a secret.

Around 9 we leave their house feeling a sense of relief that we told our secret to someone. Keeping this pregnancy a secret from everyone else is going to be a challenge but I trust Xander enough that the media won't know about it. Most importantly that Olivia doesn't know. That will be the biggest challenge.

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