chapter 3

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"Still giving your phone hate?" Jongin called up to her. She peered out the fire truck window and looked down at her friend. The truck was parked up in the station but she liked the solitude of being there without everyone else.

"I'm not 'giving it hate,'" she muttered.

"You keep looking at it like it personally offends you," Jongin grinned and jogged around the front of the truck and hauled himself up into the passenger seat beside her. "And you're sitting in the truck instead of eating dinner with the rest of us."

"You ever had a girl you can't stop thinking about? Even though you don't want to think about her, even though you actively try not to think about her, there she is in your head?"

"No," Jongin shook his head, "that your problem?" he gave her a knowing look so she shoved her phone at him, and watched him as he browsed through Jisoo's profile. "I can see that hanging out with her might be a really big problem."

"We're not even hanging out," Jennie grumped snatching her phone back.

"But you did?" Jongin did his best to hide his smirk but it was obvious.

"A couple of times. We had a few drinks and she's Rocky's new vet."

"So you finally slept with a girl and picked up feelings. You know you can prevent catching those things if you use protection?"

"Oh my god, that's the crappest joke ever," she thumped his shoulder, "don't try and be funny - it doesn't work, man. And I definitely don't have feelings."

"But you can't stop thinking about her?" Jongin smiled in that irritating manner he had, like he was some all knowing God.

"She's sexy. Really fucking sexy."

"And you didn't make your move? I find that hard to believe," he grabbed her phone again and looked back through the pictures. "She looks like she's up for a good time!"

"Because she's blond and pretty? Stereotype much?" she hissed at him, angered on behalf of the vet. Then she dropped back into the large drivers seat of the truck and scowled.

"Yeah, no feelings there," Jongin was grinning and she wanted to thump the cocky look right off of his face.

"I just meant, she's smart. And yeah ok...she's a fucking good time...but not like you were implying."

"Oh my god," Jongin shook his head, clearly amused.

"What?" she snatched her phone back.

"You didn't sleep with her! That's why you're mooning over her like some love sick puppy! She killed your game."

"She didn't kill anything," Jennie flushed in embarrassment. "And we had sex!"

"You did?" Jongin gave her a look, eyes narrowed, a hint of scepticism, "you had that girl naked and moaning your name?" his gaze intensified and so did her blush, "didn't think so."

"Fuck off," she pushed his smug face with her hand, but he just laughed, warm air brushing over her palm.

"Why didn't you sleep with her?" he asked but she couldn't answer, couldn't tell her friend that the girl had pretty much called her a cad the first time, fucked her senseless the second and hadn't been in touch since. "Jennie?"

"I think...I don't know..."

"When did you last see her?"

"A week ago."

"And no contact? Since she made you feel good? I mean if you had sex but you didn't fuck her, I'm assuming she made you feel good?"

"She made me feel great," Jennie scowled, her body still responding with flips and dives to the thought of the blonds hands on her and in her.

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