A Song That Spawns

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A Song That Spawns

They're all around me, surrounding me, happy to see me in my wretched state. Delighted as they watch me write my last letter ever...overjoyed to know that I'm well aware of that fact. He promised me that he'd spare me long enough to write this paper...could it be true? Will he kill me before I finish...break his promise? No, he doesn't look mischievous. Can it be just a hallucination...or a bad dream that I'm soon going to wake up from? Maybe, but it all seems so real. Nothing of this should've happened to me. I wasn't that successful in life, but I was a happy guy, working as a journalist, and earning enough money, in my early twenties. Life was good, even though I live alone, but it was good. None of this should've happened. None of this would've happened if I hadn't read that damn post. I will explain everything. I will try to keep calm long enough to be able to write this. Forgive my shaky handwriting...forgive the moistness of the paper...forgive the tear stains. 

None of this would've happened to me if I hadn't listened to that song.


"If you've ever heard of a song called "Gloomy Sunday", then you're a true horror fan. This song is said to be the cause of the suicide of several people who had listened to it, including the song's composer himself, Rezső Seress."

This is what I'd read in an Instagram post. I didn't believe what this post said and, being the reckless guy I am, decided to listen to it.

The song was pretty depressing, to say the least, but not as depressing as I thought it would be. That was the opinion that I formed of this song after I had listened to it, and after all, it was just a song, right? Nothing could go wrong I said...

Boy was I wrong.

That night I had a dream or no...no...a nightmare...

I was standing in a plain, foggy place. From far away I saw people approaching. They were so pale and nearly dragged themselves, instead of walking. I recognized one of them, the song's composer himself, Rezső Seress. They all started saying something, which sounded like "Jonas". As they were getting nearer, the voice cleared more and more. I became able to understand what they were saying, which was: "Join us". Slowly, Rezső started approaching me. When he was about a meter away from me, he said, with a grin :

"Join them."

I woke up, and at the right time too because I spotted a shadow at my doorstep!

I jumped out of my bed and ran to the door to catch this intruder, but he had disappeared. The apartment's door was closed, and I didn't hear it open, he just vanished. I told myself that I was hysteric and was just seeing things. I went back to bed.

This wasn't the last time that this shadowy figure appeared. It would always stand at my doorstep and stay there till I wake up and see it. I became aware that I was either hallucinating or I had become the target of a demonic assassin or something. To eliminate one of those assumptions I searched for a while until I found the sibling of one of the people who killed themselves because of that song. It was his brother, so I paid him a visit.

After giving him my consolations, I asked him whether his brother told him about a shadowy figure or something like that. He said, with tears in his eyes, that he would always wake up to his brother screaming, and on going to his room he would find him shivering in his bed. He would always ask his, now deceased, brother whether he had a nightmare or something. He always gave him the same answer, "Someone is standing at my door". That went on until one day he went to his room to wake him up, only to find him hanging from a noose, staring back at him with his lifeless eyes.

He broke into tears after saying that, and I did my best to comfort him. I wanted to ask him one last question, and he accepted. I asked him if his brother had recently downloaded a song and I told him all I knew about it.

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