chapter one

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F/N L/N was many things. She was as beautiful as a rose, her soft skin like its petals. She was shy at times, timid too. This girl was the kindest of them all, enjoyed sweets, cuddles, and being with her family and friends.

The exact opposite of what Katsuki Bakugo was attracted to.

He would prefer a girl on the taller side, with an attitude just like his, who could fend for herself and was never afraid. She had to love spicy food, and doing dangerous things living life to it's fullest. Someone that could match his energy. Nothing sappy, either.

But, he didn't necessarily hate her.

In fact, he considered her to be okay, something about her was tolerable to him.

They were childhood friends, they met before they were even born as their mothers, Mitsuki Bakugo, and M/N L/N, were best friends.

"Y/N... Stop being so shy, hun, go and say hi" Her mother cooed in a soft voice.

She held her mothers skirt, and stood behind her legs.

Katsuki wasn't afraid of anyone, he stood in front of her mother, not wanting to be at the park with another kid.

"Hi, I'm..I'm Y/N.." The little girl mumbled, fidgeting with her tiny fingers.

"Ah?! Speak up! Why are you so quiet-" Katsuki shouted, before his mother smacked him upside his head.

"Katsuki you brat! Be nice!" She yelled, looking almost identical to her five year old son.

This caused Y/N to giggle softly, her voice like chimes, it caught Katsuki's attention. He liked her laugh.

His eyes widened a bit and he held out his hand.

"Come play with me, I'll be the hero, you can the the princess." He said.

Y/N smiled wide, she never had a friend before, he was her first.

"Okay!" She said, putting her hand on his, he dragged her to the side and helped her to the top.

"Who should be the villain?" She asked, curiously.

He looked around, to spot another little girl, she had pale skin and long dull blue hair. Her eyes looked awfully lonely for being so young. She was playing in the sand by herself.

"Hey you!" Katsuki shouted.

The little girl turned around. She had slender, cat-like black eyes. The pure look of exhaustion raining over her very being. Yet there was an odd beauty to her.

"Huh?" She said, pointing to herself.

Katsuki nodded his head.

She walked over to the two, Y/N waved a shaky hand at the girl, she waved back.

"Whats your name?" Katsuki asked.

"I'm Fuyuko." She said, her face remaining expressionless.

"I'm Katsuki! That's y/N" He said, you were thankful that he introduced you so you didn't have to.

"Okay...can I go play in the sand now?" She asked, uninterested.

"Eh?! No! Play with us! You can be the villain, I'm the hero, you have to be evil!" He said.

She pursed her lips, and looked up at Y/N.

Y/N had pleading eyes, she was begging her to play.

Fuyuko sighed.


And thus, Fuyuko put on her best villain face, and pretended to have kidnapped Y/N.

"I've taken the princess, you can't get her back, hero!"

Katsuki play fought with her, as Y/N begged to be saved.

Fuyuko faked dead, she laid on the ground, eyes closed, tongue sticking out, and arms spread.

Katsuki climbed up the slide, and picked up Y/N's small frame with ease.

"I saved you, princess!" He said, grinning maniacally, and laughing in victory.

She giggled and squirmed in his arms. He went down the slide, still holding her, and eventually set her down.

She reached a hand out to Fuyuko, who peaked one eye open.

"That was fun! Thank you for playing with us!" She smiled.

Fuyuko was reluctant to grab her hand, but did so anyway.

"Mm, it was fun.." Fuyuko said.

Y/N's face lit up, for the first time in her life, she had friends.

"Ah, Izuku! Come over here!" Katsuki yelled.

They all turned their attention to the green haired boy, sitting on a park bench next to his mom, bored.

He turned to look at the trio.

"Okay Kacchan!" He followed Katsuki's orders.

The four of them created various scenarios, most of which including heroes.

"Look at how cute they are.." M/N purred, clutching her face.

Mitsuki was busy taking pictures of the children.

And time went by. They started primary school together, the four best friends.

"I'll trade my orange for your plums." Izuku said to Fuyuko.

She pondered but eventually caved in the deal.

"Hey, Katsuki? Why are you being so quiet?" Y/N asked in her soft voice.

Said boy had his head on his hand, he was busy playing with some plastic, heavy in thought.



"Why are you being so quiet?"

He didn't respond.

He was never quiet, his silence had to have meant something.

And it did.

Later that day, Y/N was horrified to find out that Katsuki had been bullying Izuku. She saw him after school, cursing and punching at the poor boy.

And while this instance occured, she was too afraid to say anything. Instead, she hid behind the tree, absolutely helpless.

And helpless she was.


short one, but i didnt want to have too much in the first chapter so i kept it simple!

oh and im not sure if ive stated this in the past, but english isnt my first language so im sorry for any errors!

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