chapter fifteen

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She woke up to a blinding light shining in her eyes.

Her head was throbbing as the room spun. After taking a few breaths to calm down she soon realized she was in a hospital.

Thoughts wandered about how she got there, and what happened to the person who kidnapped her. But she was interrupted by a head of fluffy hair resting near the side of her leg.

She smiled deeply at his resting face, it was evident that he hadn't had much rest in the past few hours, or was it days? She didn't know. But either way, he stayed by her side, and worried over her. And that meant a lot to her.

Without thinking she ran her fingers through his blonde locks, although it was the second time feeling it she was surprised at how soft it was.

She continued to rub his hair, when he slowly started to stir.

He blinked the sleep from his eyes, not moving from his spot and quietly breathing, leaning into the gentle touch.

The moment didn't last for too long though, he quickly jumped up. He was flustered but more so surprised that she was conscious.

"You- you're awake!" He said loudly.

She winced at his tone, "Yes, yes, I know.. but quiet down a bit okay?"

Whether he acknowledged what she said or not was unknown to her, he was so busy staring her down that he probably didn't even process her words.

"You dumbass..I thought..I thought you were gone, a-and" He started to stutter on his words, voice cracking.

She shushed him, "Its okay. I'm okay"

His face twisted in pain, he looked as if he was holding back tears. She softly smiled and pulled him into a long needed hug. He didn't hesitate to grip onto her shirt. His warmth spread to her and she took a deep sigh of relief, holding him tighter.

"I've missed you, Katsuki"

He mumbled in response, but she swore she heard a "Me too".

After a few minutes, they pulled away from each other.

"Are you okay? Do you need anything? I'll call the nurse-"

"No I'm fine, Katsuki! Stop worrying so much"

He clicked his tongue but seemed to relax in his seat.

"How long was I out for?" She asked.

"A few days, they were starting to worry that you weren't getting up again.."

"Of course not, I'd like to believe I'm tougher than that! Jeez, put some more faith me.." She pouted.

He chuckled and patted her head,  "Never doubted you"

It was silent for a minute, she was thankful that he didn't ask too many details about the actual kidnapping, it was hard putting it to the back of her mind, it'd probably be even harder to talk about immediately.

She mentally prepared herself for what she needed to say, although she was dreading it, it had to be done sooner or later.

"So, um, did you get the present? I know I never got it to your door but-"

"Yeah, I saw it on the ground. It was really cheesy" He cringed thinking back to it as she laughed.

"I know..but I had to get my point across. I truly am sorry, from the bottom of my heart"

He lifts a brow, "You just woke up from being kidnapped by a villain and you're apologizing? Just shut up and rest, I forgive you, alright?" He said, grinning at the obvious happiness on her face.

"The second I get out of here we're going to hang out! How about..the mall maybe? Or the ice cream shop? Oh! What about the movies-?" She went on and on.

He snickered at her excitement. "Alright, alright, we'll figure that out when you're not laying at bed rest"

She nodded happily.

He started to walk out of the room, "Katsuki, thank you"

He turned back and looked in confusion. "For what?"

"For saving me"

He made a half smirk half genuine smile, "No problem, princess"

He walked out fully this time, she registered his words slowly, her face heating up at the seconds passed. And by now, she was completely speechless.


The End.

just kidding lmao 😽❤️ the next chapter will be long hopefully-

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