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A few pieces of info;
This takes place the summer before Harry's fifth year; the Order is all living at Grimmauld Place.
I have nothing against LGBTQ people, it's just that when someone is first seeing two men kissing after never being exposed to homosexuality, it'll be kinda disturbing.

Harry was tense all throughout breakfast. Sirius wasn't there, and Harry had been wanting to talk to him. Only after Mrs. Weasley had finished fussing over his hair and Tonks had finished spilling things all over the table ("So sorry-Scourgify- Oh!") was everyone was dismissed from the table.

"I'll be waiting in our room," Ron said as Harry set off to look for his godfather. He knocked a few times on his bedroom door, and to no answer, he opened the door. Of course, Sirius wasn't there. He finally decided that he was probably upstairs with Buckbeak. Harry climbed the stairs and opened the door, expecting to see his godfather sulking with Buckbeak over his imminent return to Hogwarts. What he found was... very different.

Sirius and Lupin were sitting on the ground, kissing each other deeply. When Harry opened the door, they jumped apart in shock, breathing hard. Sirius's dark hair was matted with sweat, his face going from an excited red to a deep, embarrassed maroon-ish color; Lupin covered his face with his hands, only his eye visible from between his fingers. 

"Don't-don't tell anyone!" Lupin's words were muffled through his hands.

"Especially Molly," Sirius said, somehow going redder.

"Uh-huh." Harry forced the words out. He felt like he was going to throw up the delicous breakfast he had just eaten. 

"Most of the time, we're in either my room or his," Sirius said, seeming to be trying to gain confidence. Lupin nodded. 

"How long has- have-" Harry couldn't get the words out properly in the shock.

"Since school. James was the only one who knew. I think Dumbledore had a hunch, though." Sirius grinned. Lupin finally took his hands off of his face.

"So sorry you had to see that," he mumbled, getting up to put his shirt back on. Sirius also stood. Harry noticed with a start that his pants were unbuttoned.

"I'm just gonna... go." Harry walked out, sure that he was still bright red. He heard Sirius laughing and Lupin groaning as he left. He walked into his and Ron's room, still in shock, and he sat on his bed. Staring at the wall, he tried to unsee his godfather making out with his ex-teacher.

"Harry," Ron sat on his own bed. "Harry!"

"Huh?" Harry nodded, rubbing his eyes to get rid of the sight.

"You look like you've seen a dementor. Should I go get-"

"I wish it had been a boggart," Harry groaned. "I really hope it was."

"Harry! Should I go get Lupin? Si-"

"NO!" Harry looked at Ron, amazed that he would suggest such a thing.

"Tell me, then. C'mon."

Harry shook his head. He could not force this information on his best friend. 

"Please? I'll get Hermione if she needs to know, too-"

"Go get Hermione. Please." Harry looked at Ron.

"Man, you look dead." Ron looked worried ad he left. Harry closed his eyes and laid down, trying to not see Lupin and Sirius.

"Harry, are you alright?" Hermione walked in with Ron, placing a hand on Harry's forehead.

"I saw-" Harry sat up, speaking in a quiet tone. He took a shuddery breath. "Sirius and Lupin- they were- they were, like, making out or something."

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