The Next Step&Chicken Girls&Mani And Lost&Found Mudic Studios&More Part 1!

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Amanda's POV: So Today
Me And Noah And More
People And Some Of My
Fam And His Fam Are Doin
A New Show And It's Basically
The Next Step&Descendants
The New Series&Chicken Girls&Mani And Even Lost&Found Music Studios
And More Great Shows And
Movies The Series&The
Musical LIVE On Stage!🥰💖😘
Theirs Some Drama And
Singing🎤🎤And Some
Dancing On This New Show
It Has Some Horror In It 2
Along With New Cast Mates
And More Couples 2💖🥰😘
And Annie Leblanc&Hayley
Noelle Leblanc And Some
Kids Are Featured In/On
This Show/Musical
Production So It's Gonna
Be A Really Good Show!🎤😘
Theirs Some People From
The April&Davey Fam And
Some People From More YouTube Families Along
So we're gonna have Sm fun
Later or soon with this show
Along with our Concerts And
Our Cast Mates From/On This New Show/Musical Production!

This is the theme song
for this new show and
Musical Production It's
Called Birds Of A Feather
It's sang by: Logan Fabbro
As The Voices Of Rhyme And
Ellie And Annie Leblanc as
The new Kayla And As Quinn
Forester Hayley Noelle Leblanc
As Harmony And The Voice Of
Harmony Myles Erlick As The
New Tk And The Voice Of Tk
And Ace And As Noah Also As
Luke From Lost&Found Music
Studios And Logan Fabbro As
Amanda And Jacquie On TNS
Part And As Leia And Maggie
And Maybe The Voice Of Racheal
On Lost&Found Music Studios!

We Also Go LIVE With
Chicken Girls And Mani
And The Next Step
Continued Along With
Lost&Found Music Studios
And More New Shows And
Musical Productions Also
Goes LIVE With Drama And
Lots Of Friends On Stage All
Around The Whole Entire World🗺 Every Morning
And Almost Every Day And
Night Congrats To The Cast!
You've gotta dream big
To Be BIG/HUGE Stars!
Plz Comment What Show
Y'all Like Better Thanks!😎
To Be Continued...

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2019 ⏰

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