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The view from the hundred and ninetieth floor of the Onyx Corporation's sleek skyscraper was rather...dull today. Storm clouds envelope the building, as well as the surrounding cityscape of New Bazine. A light rain patters against the impressively reinforced, wall sized windows, and thunder can be heard in the distance.

Dr. Rachel Carosa sips from her coffee mug as she gazes out the window. November is a frigid month, and even inside the modern technological marvel that is the Corporation's headquarters, the air still seems brisk and hostile. Not just from the temperature however. Other factors in play have created a strange atmosphere within the facility. The project is nearing completion. And with it's completion there is great uncertainty, but also the possibility for great reward and progression.

"Arthur," Dr. Carosa calls out to the office's AI,"Can you change the scenery? Something more pleasant if you will."

"Of course, any preferences Director?" The voice responds charismatically.

"Hmm," she thinks for a moment," How about a beach somewhere. This storm is making my skin crawl."

On command, the windows pixilate into a beautiful setting on a tropical beach overlooking a brilliant sunset. Orange, yellow, and pink hues give off a tranquil glow, and small waves seem to lap up against the bottom of the window.

"Perfect," the Director sighs. She walks over to her desk and sits down, activates the monitor, and keys in her password on the translucent, holographic keyboard. More pixels gather in the air above the desk, forming the screen. Her eyes flick over to the date.

November 23, 2149.

Has it really been that long since the world fell apart?

Dr. Carosa sighs and takes another sip. Panning over to a news page, she taps twice on a small wristpad and a shimmering pair of reading glasses take shape around the front of her head. Her eyes focus on one headline.

"Reconstruction Effort of North America Shut Down"

Well that figures. It had been a long time in coming. World War III ended over fifty years ago, but humanity almost tore itself apart. Countries lost billions of both innocents and military. And they were the lucky ones. Japan? Gone. New Zealand? Gone. Australia? You guessed it, gone. Annihilated from both nuclear warheads and the struggle for a novel, powerful new resource. Human advancement. Cybernetics. Whatever you want to call it. Every country in the world sought after perfecting their people. To make them stronger, smarter, and ultimately more dangerous. The problem didn't arise until a few countries joined together and began waging war on the others in an effort for global domination. That backfired, and resulted in the third ever world war. The damn thing lasted almost thirty years. The countries that were left embarked on a path toward shaky peace, and that tension hasn't gone away since.

She leans back in her chair and stares at the ceiling, focusing on the subtle noise coming from the virtual waves coursing back and forth on the window. An alert dings on her monitor and Dr. Carosa turns back towards it. Her heart drops.

Incoming message from Overseer Kaliban

"What the hell could that fool want?" Dr. Carosa thinks while opening the message. Kaliban. By far one of the most manipulative individuals she had ever met in her sixty four years on this earth. Unfortunately, he also happens to be the face of Onyx Corp...and her boss. Dr. Carosa didn't gain her position by being weak or stupid. Rising through the ranks cost a piece of herself, one she'll never be able to gain back no matter how hard she tries.

She scans the message and clenches her fist in anger.

"I regret to inform you that as of tomorrow, Project Abyss is being abandoned. Far too many resources and hours have been poured into to your little plaything, and no real results have been produced. With this, also comes your removal from the Corporation."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2020 ⏰

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