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Continuing from last chapter:

With a shaky breath, I tried to calm myself and just go with it.

"Jun Woo oppa.. long time no see."
Chapter 20|Clearing it up

3rd Person's POV

A loud squeal was heard as Lisa tried to take a picture of the boy in front of her.

Out of boredom, she decided to invite Jungkook up to her room and ended up dressing him up. The poor boy had no choice.

"You look so cute!" She gushed.

"I look hideous." Jungkook snarled back.

Lisa had put powder, a slight pinkish blush and her favorite bunny ears headband. She is currently taking pictures of his red face.

"Stop! This is embarrassing." He continued to whine, covering his face. Lisa only laughed.

"I promise I'm not posting it Kookie. Can I please keep the photos? Please?" Looking up at him with her cutest look, the boy couldn't resist.

"Ugh, fine." He said as he let himself fall from the bed.

Suddenly he felt her shaking him, "i'm hungryyy. Let's go eat something downstairs."

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"THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!" the girl continued to yell and cry on the floor.

"L-Lisa calm down please, we can still buy ice cream outside."

"No! I saved those two tubs of ice cream for three whole weeks so i can eat it at the right time!"

Jungkook just sighed.

When the two of them went downstairs to eat, Lisa opened the fridge to find out her ice cream was gone.

"Look, when we go back to school, remind me to go to that ice cream shop across the street, OK? I'll treat you."

Instantly, the once crying girl lit up, nodding vigorously.

"Alright let's see, what else do you have in here?" He scanned the fridge for any more food.

"Oh! You have donuts here, see? We can eat these." Jungkook said, taking the box out.

"huh, i wonder where that came from." Lisa wondered out loud, her eyebrows raised, earning a weird look in return.

"what should we drink?" the boy asked, scanning the fridge again for any drinks.

"hmm, we have milk." Lisa replied, chuckling, "Jisoo unnie makes me and Chaeng drink it every morning."

"Jin hyung too, for Taehyung, Jimin and I." said Jungkook, picking up the carton and closing the fridge.

"Hey, Kook?" the girl broke the comfortable silence as her friend poured milk into a glass.

"Yeah?" he looked at her for a while and back at the milk.

" I've been wanting to ask this for a while, but why did you choose to be an idol?"

"I mean, you're amazing at drawing, sports and all kinds of stuff, you know what I mean?"

The boy looked down and smiled, "well, I did want to be an artist because I liked to draw when I was much younger.

My other decision was becoming an athlete, but I wasn't sure which sport." he thought for a bit and spoke again.

"As I grew older I also wanted to be a gamer, but then my dad took me to his band's favorite concert

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