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Samoana pov

Samoana: so who's birthday is its

Galina: its our daughter birthday

Samoana: ok , i don't know what that dramatic our was for but whatever

Then a little girl with a birthday pin on her shirt ran into the kitchen

Roman: hey JoJo

JoJo: hey daddy when are we going to break the pinata

Roman: in a little bit sweet heart

Then she turned around and looked at me


she hugged Roman and Galina

JoJo: My Birthday Wish Came True

Then she Full speed ran and hugged tight as a mother

Roman pov

Jojo was hugging Samoana tight and we could see that Samoana was in pain from how tight Jojo was hugging her then she started turning pink and her eyes started closing

Trinity: Jojo please let go

Jojo: uh hu , oh my god she smells like daddy Coco butter and men's calone

Fetu: Mama you alright

Fatu: Momma

King: Mommy

Palila: Mohe

Hailey: Ma you ok

Then the kids started crying

Dad: Joelle let go NOW

She did finally and Samoana fell to the floor but before she could hit the floor Fetu and Fatu held her up

Mom: Baby wake up

Jojo ran to Galina and she started crying too and Hailey looked like she is about to commit murder

Royalty: Hails calm down please don't kill someone

Hailey: she hurt our momma and y'all aspect me to be calm naw bro I'm mad , I'm real mad

Jason: know what I'm mad

Hailey: that it's bro

Prince: great now has mad too

Dad: Kids please clam down your mother is hurt killing is not going to help the situation

H&J: yes Padrino

I pick up Samoana and put her on the couch and i am not going to lie she does look good

Roman: hey mom why did me and M.j get "married"

Mom: well M.j was going back to New Orleans and when y'all was little you would always say that she would be your wife and when you came home the day you two met you said you found the love of your life and you couldn't stop talking about her and when she left you where so heartbroken that you cried for 9 weeks straight but a letter from Samoana stopped all your crying

Roman: what did the letter say

Mom: we don't know you wouldn't tell us and you hid the letter but we don't know where

I turn and looked at Samoana and she subconsciously grabbed my arm and pulled me down and started cuddling

Mom: well she still likes to cuddle with you

Trinity: aww this is so cute

Dad: you know y'all did this at y'all first sleepover

Galina: why is she all up on my man

Roman: babe please don't start

Jojo: daddy im sorry

Roman: it's ok baby

Then we hear someone

??: what happened

486 words

Samoan Goddess / Roman Reigns Love Story WWEWhere stories live. Discover now