✦| 𝐰𝐚𝐢𝐭, 𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐚𝐥𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐲 𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬?

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some – bol4

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some – bol4

1:05 ───|────── 2:53

| II |

IT WAS A CHILLY DECEMBER NIGHT, the dorms were calm, no screaming, laughing nor shattering noises could be heard, which was quite rare for WayV

"hoe hoe hoe, you whores" xifèng stated, walking in the leaving room with a big smile, making kun shake his head with a chuckle, he didn't understand what she said, but he knew it wasn't the most intelligent thing

"wait, it's already christmas?" yangyang said, sitting right up, looking at xifèng with wide eyes, she looked back at him, her hands in the pockets of her jeans, her eyebrows furrowed as she walked closer to him

"in a month, why?" the girl answered, sitting on a chair next to the couch, running her hands through her washed-out pink hair

"dang, it went fast" yangyang fell back on the couch, eyeing the girl next to him, her hair tied in ponytail, her layered shirts and her heart patterned shoes, she looked a bit odd but she weirdly pulled it off

"aww, are you getting emotional, baby?" xifèng said petting the younger boy's hair with a smile

"no i'm not" yangyang giggled, pushing the girl's hand away slightly, their exchange was cut by kun, who stood up to go upstairs

"can you guys go to the store real quick? we're running out of food and i got some stuff to do" he said looking at the two youngest, yangyang was about to protest, saying it was too cold and he was tired, but before he could even open his mouth, xifèng was already searching for keys

"get up loser, we're going shopping" she said in a high pitched voice -probably trying to imitate regina george- , putting her keys in her pockets and sending a wink to yangyang before walking toward to door

"ugh, okay i'm coming i guess" he said to the girl, grabbing a jacket before heading to her, after running to catch up with her, yangyang threw his arm around the shorter girl's shoulders "you should take a jacket, it's cold outside" he said bringing her closer to him

"yeah, well yeah- it's December, that's what happens" she replied, brushing the hair out of her face so she could see where she was going, yangyang laughed a bit before looking up at the dark sky before sighing

"did kun really had to make us go grocery shopping right now?" yang mumbled, running his right hand through his hair. his orher hand was burried in his pocket, together with xifèng's, their fingers intertwined. the sky of shanghai was already pitch black, even if it only was 7:30pm. people around them were laughing with their friends, chatting with their families, little kids shouting, everything was pretty peaceful. except yangyang's tummy, that surely wasn't at peace. xifèng giggled loudly, turning to yangyang with a smile

"well if he didn't send us there, you would be complaining about the lack of food, you hungry baby" yangyang whined at the older girl's words, making her giggle once more, she looked around the streets and suddenly stopped, her eyes on a little lit shop, the decorations reflected in her eyes, making the younger boy's breath stop for a moment, as much as he didn't want to already think about christmas, since it was only like, december 4th, he adored the way she looked: so excited and happy, like a little kid. and even if he wanted to not think about it, that would be pretty hard with all the christmas related things going on in shanghai right now. his thoughts got cut by a little tug on his hand, he looked over to the the smaller girl next to him and hummed to signal that he was listenning

"can we go in?" she asked, making her puppy eyes while pointing toward the store, not gonna lie, he really didn't need much convincing, because, who could say no to this face? but yangyang, who really did not want to stay outside any longer just rolled his eyes and bit his bottom lip to suppress the growing on his face

"we need to go to the grocery store, fèng" he paused, looking at her little frown as she lowered her arm and her head, mumbling a small "okay" before taking her hand out of yangyang's pocket, his hand suddenly felt cold without hers, so he gently wrapped his arms around her waist, his chin resting on her shoulder, he wasn't much taller than her, but enough to make her feel tiny, "no, don't do that to me" he whispered against her neck, making her shiver slighly, they felt safe in each others arms, they were like each others safe place, where nothing could harm them. his moved his face a little higher, pecking her cheek quickly before continuing, "don't give me that face" he whispered in her ear, squeezing her a little tighter, "it makes me sad" he finished, kissing her cheek once again, making a little "mwah" sound at the end, making her laugh

"okay, you win" she turned around in his arms, wrapping her arms around his neck, laughter leaving her chest "now let's go to the grocery store before kun thinks we got abducted" yangyang heart fluttered as she took his hand, making it warm again before walking toward the shop, hand in hand.

chapter's aesthetic

BONUS!chapter's aesthetic

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yo that kinda sucked i'm sorry :(((

i felt like i didn't write enough about yangyang even if I LOVE HIM TO DEATH so here you go :) (btw, it may seem like it, but they aren't dating, i just got way. too soft for them)

by the way, if any of you guys want to feature xifèng in your books (like making her friends with your characters or idk) just ask me so i know and i can read your book and stuff

have ever been followed back by a writer you love and you just sit there like "omg thank you sm i love you aaaaah idk why you followed me but thank you for blessing my life aaaaah" because same

by the way, you should read in black because it's better (i always forget some people don't read in black and i'm just- why???)

bye and thank you for reading it means a lot to me 🥺💞

𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐎𝐅𝐅! WayV 8th memberWhere stories live. Discover now