Car ride

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We got to the car
Becky:is it gonna be a long ride?
Seth:around 4 hours
Becky:K,Ima take a nap hope you don't mind
Seth:sleep all you want,you sure you don't wanna sleep in the back
Becky:na it's fine
After a few minutes she drifted to sleep did I mention how adorable she looked while sleeping
20 minutes later...
She let out a small moan,damn she must be dreaming something good or just deep sleeping
Hours later.....
Seth:becks it's time to wake up
I gently shakes her  she flinched a little I rubbed her cheek with my thumb she smiled we looked at each others deeply in the eyes for a few minutes
Becky:Umm we should get going
Seth:your right
We went inside the house it wasn't Becky's first time being her but it is the first time she's sleeping in my house we went to our separate room and got ready for bed
I got changed it was around 1am, I heard a knock on the door as I jumped a little I opened the door
Seth: I just wanted to check up on you is everything good?
Becky:yes but I can't find the remote for the AC
Seth:here it is sorry sometimes it's not in the right place
He giggled
Becky:I really wanna kiss you right know
Shit did I just say that out loud to him
Becky:sorry I'm just tired and saying things you can leave now
Before he left he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and run away,gosh he's adorable 🥰

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