I never thought I would be running into something like this, nor did I think the peace would be gone like that. It was a rainy day in the island of fortnite, I was chilling in my room with my friends Skull Trooper, and Breakpoint. All of the sudden we hear a bus honk. "What was that"? I asked. "I don't know, we don't go to school for another 2 months, this is weird." Said Skull Trooper, We run outside to see people jumping from the sky some we seen going through chest getting guns and other things like med kits, slurps, even bandages. This is my story, The story about my life so sit back and relax because its gonna be long.
The Untold Story Of Jonesy
ActionThe Untold Story Of Jonesy, Before he got older, and locked up in the vault, and then into a elder, Jonesy was a little kid looking for something fun to do, but one day something comes to the island of fortnite that will changed his whole life.