Chapter 4- Departure and Arrival

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~ChiYasha's POV~

After making our way to the dining hall, we sat down in our usual seats on the enormous long table. I sat to the right of mother and Sesshōmaru sat to the left of mother. Mother was already eating and the servants arrived with our food right after we sat down. As we were eating I waited for the right opportunity to ask mother if I could come back if I didn't like living with my father. Mother was now almost finished eating so I thought it'd be a good time to ask.


"Yes, Daughter?"

"If I don't like it at my father's, can I come back here?"

"Yes, but I want you to stay there for at least three weeks. However, if you absolutely hate it after three weeks then you are more than welcome to come back home. I can't blame you if you do end up hating it. After all I could never stay."

"Thank you so much mother!"

Then we all went back to eating.


After breakfast, Sesshōmaru and I left on our journey to the Eastern Wolf Demon Tribe. It didn't take us long to get there on account of our super speed. Upon arrival I was greeted by a mass crowd of people bowing. I honestly wasn't expecting it. A handsome man approached me.

He said, "You must be Lady ChiYasha."

"Yes and this is my older brother, Lord Sesshōmaru."

"I'm glad you all came. My name is Kōga, I will be escorting you both. Ryutsuki is waiting for you all in the cave."

"What cave?"

"It's behind the waterfall. Come follow me."

I did as he said and was amazed. The waterfall was a brilliant way to hide the cave. Water wipes away scent so unless you knew it was there, there was no way of knowing the cave even existed. We were taken deeper into the cave where I saw what looked like makeshift beds and cooking pots. Finally, we got to the end and turned right. Then, Kōga stopped and asked for permission to enter through the cloth door. Permission was granted and we all entered. The first thing I saw was the face of my father. I hadn't seen him in so long but he looked relatively the same. Who I am assuming are Arashi and Natsu were with him. They all seemed very happy. The room had been completely silent until my dad spoke.

"Kōga, you may go." Interesting. I guess he's my fathers right hand man. 

"Yes sir!" With that he exited the room.

Then my father began speaking to me.

"ChiYasha! It's so good to see you! I would like for you to meet my wife Arashi and our daughter Natsu!" They both waved. Natsu looked at me in amazement. I wonder if she's happy she'll have a big sister? 

"You too! It's nice to meet you both. I hope we can all get to know each other better." 

Arashi spoke up, "That sounds wonderful! We're so glad you decided to accept the invitation to stay with us."

I smiled at her and nodded. It was a bit awkward, I had to admit I didn't really know how to act in a situation like this. So I turned to my father and asked, "How has it been going around here?"

"It's alright. It's chaos all the time. Everyone needs something all the time. But it's my job as the leader of the tribe to take care of everyone so I make ends meet."

"That sounds exhausting."

"It is. Speaking of exhausting, how was your trip?"

"It didn't take too long so I'd say it was pretty good."

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