Chapter 1

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Author's Pov

"You may be wondering who is going to be the main character of this story and where does this story start. Well first off the person of interest is in quite the predicament at the moment. He is being held hostage on a plane by the white mask. So you may be asking how did he end up in this situation well he was in the wrong place at the wrong time and got caught in the crossfire. But it seems our friend of ours has gotten lucky this time cause team rainbow is coming to save him and the rest of the hostages. So enough of me lets go see what team rainbow is going to do to save a poor main character."

Ash's Pov

I was briefed by Six over the radio about the white mask situation, as soon as SIx finished the brief i explained the plan to the rest of the team.

"Alright the situation is that the white mask have hostages on the plane so the plan is, Glaz i want you on the wing and pick off anyone you can and also look out for the hostages while you're at it"

Glaz: "Will do comrade" he loads and puts a bullet in the chamber.

"Montagne you're going to be with the attacking team for entry and cover with Thermite and me"

Montagne: "I'll be where you need me."

"Lastly Caveira i need you to get some intel on where the hostages are."

"They will scream like pigs before im done"

"Good, now everyone understands what to do?"

Everyone except Ash: "Let's do this/Understood/ да comrade"
Our transport stops, we climb out and we start our plan. Me, Montagne and Thermite prepare to breach the door by the front of the plane. I place breach charge on the door and get behind Montagne and say into the radio

"Ready to breach." i look at thermite and we nod "Detonating" i detonate the breaching charge and we enter and start to clear out and eliminate enemies.

No one's Pov

A loud bang could be heard throughout the plane followed by some gunshots and heavy footsteps. All of the hostages seem hopeful except one and that one hostage was Snow Blackheart the inventor of cybernetics and synthetic organs. There was then a sudden sound that only someone with exceptional hearing and it was the faint sound of footsteps and threatening words. Then out of the corner of Snow's eye, he sees this woman with skull face paint and a military uniform and he decides to not say anything as she slowly approaches the white mask with his back to the door. 

Caveira's Pov

I found where the hostages were and let the rest of the team know where, as i slowly make my way to them. When i was close i could see one of the hostages and i could tell he noticed me and was trying to not make it obvious. As soon as i got close to the door i took down the white mask and i go and start to release the hostages as i do this the hostage that noticed me earlier seemed familiar but i couldn't think of who he was, suddenly the rest of the team show up.

"The hostages are secure"

Ash: "So what do we do with him" points at Snow.

(A/n tell me if you want me to continue this story or not and this is my first story so please correct my grammar or tell what to change)

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