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Tom's flight should have landed well over an hour ago, if all had gone according to schedule. He was supposed to call when he'd cleared customs and settled into his hire car. But so far she'd heard nothing. Rosemary found herself pacing the living room, nervous energy pulsing through her. It was stupid, honestly, worrying like this. The flight could have been delayed (there were nasty storms brewing in New York when he'd been set to depart), customs could be a nightmare (it often was at the best of times), traffic from London could be hellish (especially at this time of day); there were literally dozens of reasons for why he hadn't called yet and not all of them were bad. She knew this but it did little to lessen her worry.

It had been a long six weeks, and though she had gotten used to the idea of Tom being away for long stretches of time due to work, his absence was most assuredly taking its toll. Bobby barked at her heels, sensing her nervousness. She laughed softly, stopping in her pacing to scratch the spaniel affectionately on his head. "I know, buddy boy, your daddy will be home soon." He barked once and settled himself on the dog bed nearest the window.

She'd gotten Bobby out of the kennel the day before, knowing it took the spaniel a bit of time to get reacquainted with his space after being away for a while. Tom would have enough on his plate upon returning home; dealing with an energetic and ever curious dog was the last thing he would be up for. Besides, she loved the mutt to pieces and he seemed just as fond of her. And staying over the night before allowed her to air out his house; to make sure he had food in the pantry and fridge, that his mail was sorted, and that all he would need to do was eat and sleep if he wanted.

Bobby barked loudly again as the ringing of her mobile echoed through the room. She scrambled towards the couch where she had tossed the blasted thing in a fit of pique twenty minutes before. A smile crossed her face as she saw Tom's name and picture flashing across the screen. She quickly swiped across the screen to answer, pulling the phone to her ear. "Tom," she breathed happily into the receiver.

"Rosie, love," he answered. His voice was gravely with fatigue. "I've missed you."

She smiled. "I've missed you too." She could hear the faint sounds of traffic from his end of the line. Tom was obviously on the move and the thought warmed her heart. He'd be home soon. "How far away are you?"

There was pause as Tom asked the driver. She could hear but not quite make out the muffled response. She heard Tom clear his throat. "About half an hour, if the traffic holds off." Her heart warmed at his words. "So close," he murmured, "Yet so far."

"You should try to sleep a little," she encouraged him. "You sound dead on your feet."

He chuckled sleepily, "Maybe. But I sleep better next to you."

She smiled at his words. "Flatterer."

"I speak nothing but the truth," he answered, voice warm with soft laughter. He let out a sigh, "I know I promised I'd take you out when I got home..." The disappointment was clearly evident in his voice as he trailed off.

"Tom," she started, "I get it. I was frankly surprised you suggested it in the first place." She paused, smiling softly. "You forget I know how exhausted you are coming off of a shot. I can easily order something in and you and I can eat once you've slept."

A frustrated groan fell from his lips and she could so easily picture the way he rubbed the bridge of his nose with thumb and forefinger. "I still feel like an ass, promising you something and then taking it back."

"Don't," she scolded, "Tom, honestly its fine. You know I don't need all of that. You and me and a takeaway on the couch is bliss as far as I'm concerned."

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