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At night Beatrice and Ben start having a HUGE fight about Matthew staying at their hotel room, Beatrice won which means she gets the Bed and Ben and Matthew sleep on the floor. Since Ben was SUPER fat most of the space on the floor was used by him, this went on for the few nights they stayed at this hotel. The day they left MATTHEW claimed that he came here by foot and was too TIRED to walk back HOME, so Ben begged Beatrice to let Matthew join in their car and since Beatrice felt bad she let him come along plus if she didn't let Matthew come Ben would get mad at her but she didn't actually care. Anyway so in the car there were moments of silence between them all in the car, Beatrice was driving her nice car, with Ben and Matthew sitting at the back. This silence was highly unusual but then again MATTHEW was a COMPLETE and UTTER THIRD WHEELER(He ruined my ship). Anyways back to the car ride, they all were silent for about half an hour and THEN MATTHEW ASKED A LOT OF QUESTIONS MAKING EVERYBODY FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE (  Poor Beatrice and Ben  ).

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