Chapter 2: The Reason

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We drop onto a roof top and let our wings fold into our backs. The streets below us are even more noisy than the streets by the Edison. We walk through the door on the roof and walk down the metal staircase. I keep my guard up because I can feel the demonic energy vibrating within the place. I wonder how angels haven't found this place yet. I don't have to voice my question because Keegan answers it.

"The walls are made of mostly brick and are reinforced with steel and iron."

"That explains it," I say. An angel's power is masked with steel and iron mix but only if there is a lot of it. We stop before a door and I can hear the music pulsing through it. Keegan turns to look at me before we go in.

"When we get in there, everyone will be looking at you because you're an angel. That's a given. Remember that you have a right to be here because of me. I am the owner of this joint and I call the shots. Most of them are younger and don't know who you are but there are older ones. Try not to start a fight because you will win and I don't want to have to clean up. Got it."

"Got it."

"You also will want to change your clothes." I look down and see that my t-shirt had gotten ripped in the fight. "I have some clothes that might fit you in the back so I will take you there first. Jake runs the bar and he is very loyal to me. He won't question me so if you need anything and I am not there, ask him."

"Are we just going to keep talking or we going to go in?" I ask. If I was going to be in a room of demons for a while it was best to get it over with.

Keegan cracks a smile before opening the door. We walk in and move our way to the bar first. Green strobe lights move all around the dark room. Most people have already started looking at me and I ignore them. There is a young man pouring a drink for someone behind the bar that radiates some power under the beefy muscles. His blond hair grows a little longer than a buzz cut.

"Jake, this is Adriana. Keep an eye on her for me. I need to grab something for her in the back. She will be staying with us for a while."

"Sure thing," Jake replies and gives a nod of respect toward me. I give him a nod before sitting down. Jake is like the few angels and demons who don't care who you are or what you are along as you are respectful.

"I will be fine here," I tell Keegan. I turn back to Jake. "Can I get a ginger ale?"

"Yeah. Can or glass?"

"Can is fine. Thank you."

"An angel never loses her manners," Keegan says before slipping into the back.

"It doesn't hurt you be polite you know!" I call after him.

For a while most people just stare at me and whisper to each other. I keep ignoring them and drink my ginger ale. I notice on man has moved my way. He stares straight at me as he stand right next to me.

"Hasn't anyone told you it is rude to stare?" I ask him.

"What are you doing here?" he asks me.

"I think it is clear I am having a drink." I look at him as I lift my glass to my lips and take a long sip. "Mmm. That's refreshing."

"What are you doing in this club?"

"I heard this place has great music and drinks. I guess I heard wrong. The music is very crappy." I finish my ginger ale and set the can a bit to my right to where he was standing. "Drinks are good though." I turn to Jake. "That was great Jake." Jake just shakes his head, muttering under his breath and turns to help someone else.

"This is a demon club. It is not for angels."

"I will make a deal with you. If you don't like me here, then throw me out and I will never come back." I give him a smile at the end of the sentence and ready myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2015 ⏰

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