Chapter 3

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I have my own job since I was 4 years old..

P'Tay told me that Aunty Yon brought me to this house to become his servant.

That time I don't really know what is the meaning of Servant...

But I don't mind being his servant as I am actually thankful to his family for let me stay here and take care of me ...

" Ok here take it and eat "

P'Tay handed me his leftover lunch but then

" Hey ! Hey ! Tay Tawan you again ! Don't eat New ! I will buy for you new one "

P'Tay looked at the way P'Earth coming in ...

I remember when I was first introduced to P'Tay good friend , P' Earth ..

P'Earth is soft and different from P'Tay ..

At that time I was just 6 years old ..

" Earth , you did it again huh ?? He is my Ser..... Hmm "

P'Earth rushing in and covering P'Tay mouth with his hand ....

" I told you not to mention like that .. He is your brother anyway ... You both are not a kid anymore .. He will be shy "

" It's ok kha P'Earth ! No problem "

" Thank you P'Tay ! " I taking the lunch box from P'Tay and going out of their room..
The lunch time will be over soon ..


Once New went out from the room , Earth start to turn his head to Tay ...

" I told you not to do like that ! it's not like you are not caring about him .. "

" Who said I care ? He is just a.... Hmmmm....hmmmm"

Earth's hand covering Tay's mouth again

" Don't bite dog ! "

Earth shaking his hand as Tay biting so hard..

" Ok ! You know after this year , you will go to university and New is the one who still need to study in this school for another two years "

" Who care ? " Tay opening his text book for the next class while talking to Earth ..

" He will get bully by others ! I mean just now I saw you only eat one or two spoon of your lunch and you gave it to him .. but why do you need to shout and mention it as leftover and leftover ?"

" It's my leftover anyway ! " Tay leanings his back to chair and cross his leg act as he doesn't care ..

" So other people will think him as an easy target " Earth continue his sentence

" Do you ever go and check his classroom ? We can't see .. maybe he got bully by others people ! Other people might think if you can bully him then why they can't ? "

" He is my person ! I can only.... " Earth doesn't let Tay's sentence finish and said

" That's your thinking dude ! Think of it ! both of you are not young anymore .. See how much he love you , whatever you ask him to do , he never say no..."

" Stop it ! you are too annoying ! I hate him so much .. you know it too right? Stop talking about him "

" You are lying yourself .. Even I got feeling attachment to him like my brother .. I know it ,you will feel the same way"

" Shut up ! Turn around ! I don't want to talk about him ! That's annoying "

Tay keep on saying he hate him but he doesn't want New to bully by other people..


" Ok Kids , That's all for today ! Just go back home straight huh "

Once the teacher going out , Tay throwing all his books into his bag and said

" I gotta go first ! See ya tomorrow ! "

" hey hey Tay ! You said will go and play football this evening ?? Shitt "

Earth can only see Tay's back ....

" That bastard never listen me "


Tay is now walk pass in front of Grade 8 Class which is New's classroom ..

He looking inside the class room there is no one...

" Maybe he already left ..Stupid Earth make me over thinking ! "

Tay and New never going back home together because Tay doesn't like to ..

Because of Earth's words , Tay can't concentrate his last class and he keep on thinking what if other people bully New .. He doesn't want this to happen ... New is only his servant and he just want to control New only for himself ..

This is the very first time in 10 years that Tay come and find New in his class room...

" I go into the toilet first before going back"

He is talking himself as only a few steps away from New's classroom , there is one toilet..

His steps stopped after hearing the voice inside the toilet and thinking whether he can go in or not ..

" Come on ! Do it now !! I can't wait you so long !!! "

" I talk to you nicely and not like your beloved brother . I am asking you to do it with your hand only ... If you are not listen , Guys just hold him .. I will do it with his mouth..... Hand or mouth ?? Choose one ? "

" Let me go please "

The young boy begging while crying ...
After Tay heard the whole conversation, he feels like his head is going to explode... He opened the door and saw his 4 classmates but he can only see the back of the kid who crying and begging ...

In his mind , he keep on saying himself
" Pls don't be New ! Don't be New "

" Ah ! Tay !! Good that you are here ! It would be more easier if you ask him to do so !!! "

His wishes not coming true ...
The kid who turning around with his crying face is New ...
He is crying , crying until his face all red after seeing me .....
Sobbing until he can't speak but he trying his best to talk to Tay slowly .

" P'Tay , Please ...don't ask me to do this , I don't ..want.. to "

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