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"I'm serious!
My eyes clearly say, 'I like you,'
Why don't you feel it?
My face is so obvious,"

"It's..." Younghyun trailed off.

"Beautiful, yeah," I finished for him.

He shook his head. "What a loss that it's in this state,"

Vast cobwebs stretched across the vaulted ceiling and there had to be two feet of dust on everything. The dust seemed overall undisturbed except for the door we had smashed in. The room we found ourselves standing in was so devoid of life and light that it was almost sad- except it was so lovely, I couldn't bear to leave without exploring at least a little. Gray light filtered through teeny cracks in the boards over the windows and I could just see the itty-bitty dust particles flying to no particular destination.

"Why wasn't anyone living here?" Younghyun asked, spinning around and taking in all the glory.

"Dunno. Maybe the owner died?"


I ventured onto the dull tile floor, my eyes darting from mysterious statues to antique furniture to expensive decor. I wandered toward a massive oak bookshelf, my fingertips skimming over the spines of the books that were settled there. I found at least five copies of the Holy Bible and three versions of 'War and Peace'.

"Seems the owner was an avid reader?" Younghyun said behind me, searching through the selection of novels, biographies, short story collections and more.

"Mm," I nodded, removing my hand from the shelf.

We walked toward a marvelously ornate fireplace, which was decorated with a number of knickknacks and trinkets. One that particularly stood out to me was an ivory elephant with strange inky markings on its back.

"These are lovely," I mentioned, pointing out some old, slightly tarnished earrings on display to Younghyun.

He nodded. "The amber would really complement your eyes,"

I smiled softly, turning to examine the plush scarlet sofa nearby. I would never admit it, but the way he complimented me made me much happier than most others. Perhaps it was because he had no obligation to flatter me or no need to kiss up to me. Perhaps it was because his praise was genuine and heartfelt.

After we grew tired of the front room, we dared the grand staircase that led to the upper floor. The doors to the bedrooms were all either stuck or locked, and we had neither the strength nor want to break them down at this point.

"Shall we come back another day?" Younghyun asked, glancing at me.

I nodded, then looked back at him. "Why were you here anyway?"

"I came to your home in search of you and was told by a maid you had gone to the woods," he replied, staring at the wooden banister that swerved downstairs.

"Huh," I pursed my lips slightly, "Why were you looking for me?"

"Because I like you, silly!" he gave me a teasing push.

I breathed a chuckle. "Oh, okay. I guess I quite like you too,"

There was a soft, awkward silence for about half a minute before he made the ridiculous suggestion of, "Let's slide down the banister! I'll go first so I can catch you at the bottom,"

"Who will catch-" he was already going down, "-you,"

He had his head thrown back in laughter and excitement and I couldn't help but laugh with him. Once he reached the bottom, he leaped down gracefully, dusted himself off, and looked back up at me.

Something Out of Nothing | k.yh ✓Where stories live. Discover now