The start of it all

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The great war.

A war between three factions.



Fallen Angels

Since the war was so big, Some unlucky humans were forced into the war. They obviously had no chance fighting against any of the other factions, and fighting humans were just a waste of time for the Devils and Fallen Angels. Hence they stopped attacking them, and soon ignored them. That was a huge mistake on their part. The God has decided to give some humans the power of sacred gears, hoping that they would protect their villages. While some did, others decided to go a dark way, When that happened the God would send some of his warriors to finish them off. Hoping the next user would use it for the greater good. This did not go the way that God wanted. So he gave someone a unique power. Not a sacred gear but better. A unique power to a man, this power was extremely powerful. Way more than any sacred gear. And that man's kids all got a unique powers too. And after a few decades, that family has expanded into 7 different families. Every family has their own 'Family heirloom' and a unique power that only those certain families have. This bloodline did not go unnoticed by the Satan. 'Godslayers' were just getting stronger and stronger, only because if they keep having kids, nobody can tell what those kids power will be. Rizevim decided to stop the bloodline from multiplying and take the unique powers they have. He went to the very strongest 'Godslayer' there was.

<( 3rd POV )>

Hiro Kanno. The strongest 'Godslayer' in his generation, and of all time. All because his unique ability is the most powerful. 

'Incarnation' the strongest ability that has ever been known. This ability has no limit. It's charged by  Will Power, basically as long as the user has the will power to do something. A unique power will activate and give the user what he needs. This ability is charged by emotions, like the will to protect, pride, hate. Hiro Kanno held so much pride that fuels his 'Incarnation'. And eventually he earned the title 'Strongest Godslayer', and he held great pride in that too. Eventually he fell in love with a normal human woman. She was the user of the sacred gear 'Gaia foundation' this allows the user to change their appearance to anyone they want, and hold their magic signature for trickery. This was also unique because it was a hoodie. They fell in love and soon after a young boy was born. The father immediately started training him to death right after he turned 4. He did not want to have his title as the 'strongest' to be ruined by a son that was a disgrace. The mother Kyoko Kanno was not happy about this at all. But there was nothing she could do to help. One day, her son came stumbling into the house all bloodied up. Right after he entered he immediately lost consciousness and his mother came running to her son's side. She patched him up and put him in his bed. Soon after her husband came in with an angry expression. One thing led to another and they started having a fight. A very one sided fight. Young Anuka Kanno was eavesdropping on their argument and he started hating his father. His hate for his father was so big that his 'Incarnation' activated stopping the two parents from fighting. Hiro smiled ear to ear and thought of an idea. He decided to use his mother against him for better training. Telling his son that he would not hurt his mother as long as he trained well. the boy first decided to attack him but lost in a matter of seconds his wounds started bleeding again. After that night the father and son would leave the house for weeks. the mother was really worried. after training for the past 3 years with swords, Hand to hand, strategies, surviving in the wild, fighting stray devils, and learning elements. They finally came home, much to the mother's pleasure. Her son's face looked the same just a bit older. He was 7 years old anyways. But seeing his body, his mother started to cry. His body looked like a body builders, but the most noticeable thing was the scars he had. There was a giant slash scar across his back, one medium sized scar on his chest, and few small scars across his stomach. That was the moment his mother decided to run away with his son. After telling her plan to her son, who agreed they decided to run away that night. Anuka was looking at the time, as it flashed 12:01 he got worried. His mother told him she would be here at 12:00. Worried the boy sneaked a look outside his room. And slowly came down the stairs without making a sound. What he saw was beyond gruesome. His mother was lying down on the ground bleeding heavily. A shoe was placed on her chest, the shoe belonged to, non other than his father. He held an emotionless face, Anuka couldn't hold back. Rage was the only thing in his mind, A strange light coated around him, he opened his eyes revealing a pair of golden eyes. Fueled by  'Incarnation' the young Kanno rushed to his father. His father smirked and took up a fighting stance. Anuka opened up his dimensional storage and pulled out a sword. This sword was his family's heirloom. 

'Blue Rose sword' his 'Incarnation' coated around the sword too.

'Blue Rose sword' his 'Incarnation' coated around the sword too

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His father blocked the slash with his bare hands. The strange light surrounded his hand too. The son spun around mid air and kicked his father away. He stabbed 'Blue Rose sword' into the ground, a huge magic circle activating around it.

"ENHANCE ARMAMENT" The boy shouted, instantly ice was replaced by the magic circle, The boy glared at his father who was surprised that his could use their 'Family Heirloom's Enhance incarnate. Caught off guard the ice kept coming out of the ground rushing to him, Vines made his ice flew and rushed at him from the air. Before it all hit him. He said "Run!"

Right after he said that the young Kanno felt a huge magic signature coming to this place. His father was in a block of ice. He could probably get out anytime he wants, which confused the 7 years old boy. But he didn't think much of it and took his mother's hoodie. her sacred gear. His mother smiled sweetly at him and whispered "Good luck, I'm sorry and I love you.". The boy couldn't stall for much longer, the magic signature was coming closer. He took her sacred gear, which is the only sacred gear that can be equipped and taken off without a ritual. He wore her hoodie which changed it's size to fit the small boy. After leaving 'Blue Rose' into his Dimensional storage and left. Activating 'Gaia foundation' was easy when you have enough magic control. He used it and changed his appearance into a bird, and hid his magic signature completely. Since birds could fly, he took to the skies and flew in a hurry. After flying for the past hour or so. He felt his wings were tired and sat on a tree nearby. He changed back into himself and quickly hugged the hoodie. He starting breaking down. He was only 7 years old after all. He could sense that his father is fighting against that huge magic signature, which means his father let him escape. He cried further and further. After about an hour he felt that his father's magic was gone. He knew he should go to the other families to warn them. Deciding that he took a sandwich from his dimensional storage and ate it, while flying with Incarnation


               The young Anuka Kanno's story has just begun.



This will be my second story.

I hope you like this chapter.

I will still continue 'My demons', maybe tomorrow.

Anyways stay tuned for that

Stay cool

Glenn out.

A/n : I have never read the LN of DxD. Only watched the anime. And read a lot of stories on wattpad. My friend read this and pointed out this was the plot of Vali. I did not even know 😅 and am too tired to think of another idea. So sorry.

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