chapter 1 Pregnant

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Hey guys if you didn't read the description this is a sequel to the book before this one it's called the new world anyway if you already have on with the story

Just yesterday 2 dragons got married and now...

While both Spyro and Cynder were cuddling and asleep because they had some fun in bed that night

Cynder woke up and got out of bed to go downstairs and get breakfast, but when she came in contact with the floor she felt like she was going to throw up so she ran to the kitchen and throw up causing Spyro to wake up.

"Cynder is everything alright": Spyro said with a worried tone in his voice.

Then he heard her throwing up and jumped out of bed to see if she was ok.

"Cynder you alright what happened": Spyro said while running over to the bathroom.

"I don't feel so good Spyro, my stomach felt twisted inside out when I came in contact with the floor": Cynder said leaning over the sink in case she threw up again.

"ok then I'll call a doctor or someone to come and help": Spyro said while running over to his cell phone:

"hello" ??? Said

"I need you to come here quick": Spyro said then hung up.

After a few minutes.

There was a knock there door.

Spyro got up and ran over and opened it.

"well what's wrong Spyro" ??? Said with a slightly worried tone.

"Cynder said when she came in contact with the floor her stomach felt inside out": Spyro said while leading ??? To Cynder.

Cynder looked over to see who it was, It was Cyril

"hey Cynder on a scale of 1 to 10 how much pain do you
feel": Cyril said standing next to Cynder.

"I say about a solid 2 for right now but it'll go up and down constantly" Cynder said while still leaning over the sink.

"ok do you think you can walk" Cyril said still standing next to her.

"m-maybe I don't know" Cynder said starting to Gag then throw up.

"oh ok then I'll just bring my equipment in here then Spyro get on the bed and get bucket of some sort while I get my
equipment": Cyril said before running back to his room.

"ok Cyril will do" Spyro said while walking to Cynder.

"hey Cynder you heard what he said so I'm going to get you a bucket can you try and walk over to the bed without throwing up in it if you have to"? Spyro said while rubbing his hand up and down Cynders back seeming to calm her down.

"S-sure I can try" Cynder said still leaning over the sink waiting for Spyro to grab something

"ok then thank you I'll go find something for you to use" Spyro said while walking off

"ah here we go use this it's a small empty bucket" Spyro said handing the bucket to Cynder

Takes the bucket and follows Spyro to the bed

Cynder sits on the bed with Spyro

After a few minutes

Comes in with his equipment

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