Break up- randy

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AN// this chapter is based on a role play that I'm in and the break between Andy and Rye. This is going to be heartbreaking and upsetting plus a bit of happiness but not a great lot
Andy's PoV
I thought everything was going great with me and rye. Me and Rye have been dating for 6 years I thought about our future until one day. I was in my room trying to sleep until I heard something coming from rye's room I went and investigated and I couldn't believe my eyes on what I saw. WTF RYAN I had to yell because he's hurt me with another girl i thought he loved me.

Rye's PoV
Me and Andy have been dating for 6 years and I really loved him I brought I girl home she's a old friend of mine I didn't know she had feelings for me she kissed me on the lips I kissed back when I heard someone come to my door it was Andy. Andy: WTF RYAN. Fovvs i I'll explain p please

(Still rye's PoV)
I've really hurt him I want him back but I'm guessing he doesn't and he won't come back to me so I hit him I loved him she was only a old friend of mine until I heard the door slam I don't know what to do I've hurt the love of my life now he's gone.

Andy's PoV
I don't know where I'm going but getting far away from the house as possible as I don't want be near Rye he's hurt me so much so I end up going to jacks my best friends I know he has feelings for me but when I told him what Rye did he went off on one I've got no one else apart from jack his girlfriend and my mum and the other boys. I'm staying here for the night I can't go back to the house I can't. He's hurt me I can't be anywhere near him.

(Still Andy's PoV)

I've got no clothes with me just my phone and jacket nothing else. I've blocked rye from my phone as I don't want to hear from him. He's hurt me really bad, those six years have gone out the window I can't believe he would do that I thought he loved me. I don't know If I can forgive him for what he did. I don't think I can love him again so I guess me and him are done.

(Rye's PoV)
He will never forgive me for what I did but I've hurt him, I need to apologise to him but he doesn't want to hear it I loved fovvs for those years but I didn't think I shouldn't of kissed her back, Andy's my best friend I've hurt the love of my life I need to explain I don't think he can love me again ever, I should go to him and explain but I can't because he doesn't want to see me, he was the love of my life and I've hurt him and I didn't mean for any of this to happen at all I need to apologise to him but I'm scared to as he hates me right now

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