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You would think that the little things were distracting. The rustle of leaves. The crunching of sticks under your feet. The chirping of birds. This hunter was quick to kill. He was silent, but deadly. Not much could keep him distracted while he aimed at his prey. He unwrapped his scarf letting the cold air hit his face. He looked over a cliffside and into the snowy forest. He continued his way up a stone wall careful not to disturb the peace of the woods. He gasped quietly when he saw what lay ahead. A deer tipped its head taking a sip from the chilly river. The hunter stooped down behind a tree and carefully pulled an arrow from his quiver. He sat out of sight from the deer and loaded the bow. The deer tilted its head up. The hunter drew back and took the shot. The arrow whistled through the tree and hit the deer. It's cold body hit the snow and stained it with blood. The hunter peered over his bow and smiled with pride at his work.
He drove his floating truck into town and sold his deer to the local butcher before using some of the cash to go to the bar. The bar door creaked and slammed shut shutting the cold out. The bar was dimly lit and there was a small crowd at a table close to the bar. The hunter walked over setting his bow against the bar. He put his money down and took a seat at the counter.
"Jesus Mr. Shimada, you seem to have the most luck out in those woods." The bartender said.
"I use my skills to get by in life, Henry. Expect nothing less."
"Want your usual hot Sake?"
The hunter sighed and peered over at the group of men at a round table.
"Y'know they don't exist. Folks are gonna think your crazy if you keep talking about it."
"I'm telling you that their real!" One of the men yelled.
"Didn't the sheriff warn ya about talking about that shit? You've been talkin about the same thing for weeks."
"I'm trying to warn everyone before they head off hunting! It's too dangerous with IT out there!" The man turned to the hunter at the bar. "You! You're that hunter they call Hanzo Shimada right?!"
The hunter turned.
"Yes that is correct."
"They say you hunt all the time. Have you seen the creature?"
"I've heard rumors of a 7 foot creature that lurks in the woods. I haven't seen it with my own eyes."
"It's a werewolf!"
"Shhhh!" The other men yelled. "You know that's a myth. It was probably just a bear."
"It ain't! I've seen it! You've seen it I'm sure, Hanzo!"
"I have yet to see such a fearsome creature, but I'd be the first one to catch it. You sir, can bet on that." Hanzo said drinking his Sake.
"Whatever man. They don't exist." One of the men said.
Hanzo sighed finishing his cup.
"Just because you have not seen something with your own eyes does not mean it isn't real." He stood up and grabbed his bow, heading for the door.
"Have a good night gentlemen."
Hanzo headed home to his cabin on top of the mountain where he pucked up his rabbit traps that had caught two rabits for the night and went inside. He had an open view of the snow capped mountains in the distance. Hanzo hung his jacket up and headed upstairs for the night. He was the only resident in this large empty house, but he lived comfortably. His bed was made of animal skins. His walls were drapped in them. Hanzo let his hair out of its golden sash and headed to bed.

Late into the night Hanzo woke to the terrible creaking of his house. A snow storm had begun and the cold wind was howling. Hanzo could hear the calls of many animals outside his house including a deep growl.
"A bear? Out this late?"
The growling became louder. He could also hear the faint howl of a wolf. The bears growls still getting louder and more fearsome. He heard crashing and another loud growl from outside.
"Damn it." Hanzo cursed. "There are two of them. They sound as if they are fighting."
He got out of bed. The crashing and growling continued out behind Hanzo's house. It sounded as if they were knocking over wood piles and wrestling in the snow. Hanzo decended downstairs. Just then he heard a bear cry out loudly. It moaned and wailed and growled until it finally stopped. All of a sudden Hanzo could hear a wolf howl just outside his house. He gasped.
"A-a wolf would not have the ability to take down a bear!" He threw on his Jacket and scarf and bursted out the door. He could faintly see the body of a black bear laying in the snow. It was dead. Hanzo observed the body. There were several large bite marks and the bears front leg was broken.
"Such a wolf does not have this kind of strength."

The Hunter and the Werewolf (MCHANZO FANFICTION)Where stories live. Discover now