New Case

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I sat on a bench outside, this was worse than I could have thought. Setting my elbows on my knees I buried my face into my hands. "I've really screwed things up this time. Hank hates androids, now what am I going to do? I'm... I'm not an android... I just-" I gritted my teeth, how was I supposed to explain this anyway. Hank won't even talk to me?

The only thing I can do now... is slowly let my android parts fall into disrepair. After the accident dad was trying to find a way to keep me alive, that proved to be a mistake. We hardly even talk anymore, even though he stopped working at CyberLife ten years ago. No one at the station even cares. Fowler tolerates my 'medical leave' when he has to.

I'm not bad at my job, I'm actually pretty good at it. Which is why people like Gavin mess with me. Chris is one of the few people at the station that actually talks to me aside from Hank. I felt my eyes burn as I tried to hold back the tears. How could I let something like this happen anyway? Sure my life was extended because of what my father did to me, but at what cost? There were times... that I just wished I had died back then.

But instead of wallowing in self pity and resent what was done to me, I tried to find something better to do with my life. That's what had brought me here. To the DPD, lot of good that seemed to do me. Leaning back on the bench I looked up at the sky, it was clear and sunny. I reached up with my plastic hand staring at it in disgust.

Realization hit me. I was tired, just... tired. There really is nothing keeping me here in this world after all. "(Y/n), get a move on. We've got a case!" I didn't move for a second, taking a slow breath I wiped my face before heading to my car. I would follow behind Hank until we got to the scene.

The area was pretty rundown, and it was raining. Rayna said she packed an umbrella so I pulled it out and started my investigation. Supposedly they had gone into a store last night, but they didn't take anything. Just left. So it was very unlikely they would be in the hotel across the street. I hummed looking round. There was an abandoned home across the street.

Slowly I made my way over. Looking at the fence I didn't see much. At least not until I got to the side of the house. Connor was still talking with Hank about something. From what I could make out there was some Thirium on the fence, so it must have gotten nicked. I made my way through nicking my own arm in the process.

I hissed slightly, but continued through. Making my way to the window, I noticed that I couldn't see anything inside. "Anybody home?!" Opening the door, the only thing I saw was an android with a knife. His face was pretty wounded. "I don't suppose you've happened to see another android hanging around, have you?"

His head moved slightly. "Ralph's seen nobody."

I blinked. "Sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you. I promise, I'm not here to hurt you. Seeing as there was Thirium on the fence I thought I'd check this place out. I thought another android was here."

His head twitched again. "Ralph scratched himself coming through, like you did. That's Ralphs blood."

I gave a small nod. "Mind if I just... have a look around. I promise I won't touch anything." He didn't say anything so I set about looking around the area. There was a diseased possum on the table, it looked pretty charred. A little gross honestly, but I don't know why he would do that. Or for that matter need a fire.

Opening the door to the kitchen there was more rA9 writing as well as the I'm alive on the walls. Leaving that alone I made my way along the wall. There was an old arcade system, but nothing else of note.

My next step was to check the stairs. I walked up a few steps and stopped at the smell of death, it was... unpleasant to say the least. "Is anyone upstairs?" He was quick to answer with a no, so I left it at that. I paused half way down. Looking over the side I noted a little nook under them.

Swinging my weight to the side I landed softly and took some cautious steps forward. I went to bend down only to be grabbed by Ralph. "Run! Quick! Kara!" That caught me by surprise, just as Connor and Hank made their way in. I ran past them and out the kitchen door without a second thought.

They were headed for the train station, so I had to get to them before they crossed the street. It didn't take long for Connor to fall in line behind me. I made a cut down the alley seeing them climbing over a fence. I picked up the pace but stopped as soon as I reached the fence. They stopped for a second too, just staring at me.

Connor came running up behind me calling out to an officer. "Don't shoot! We need it alive!" As he said that I started climbing the fence. I made it to the top just as Hank showed up.

I was about to drop down. "What the- (Y/n), get back over here!" I didn't listen, instead sliding down the wet terrain. "(Y/n), goddammit!" Hank was yelling at Connor now as well. Watching as I crossed the street. I almost got hit by a few cars. I used my plastic hand to jump over the hood of one and then slid on the plastic leg as I went under a truck. I made it to the median and wasn't to far from them. Jumping over the railing, I ran into the road. Taking the females shoulders we started fighting. I turned in just enough time to see the truck barreling for me.

My eyes widened for a second just as I was roughly pulled back to the guard rail. I breathed heavily and tried to break free, but I knew they were gone. Even if I had tried to make it across now, I'd never find them. Turning I pushed Connor out of my way and walked back across the street. Once I dropped back over the fence Hank took my by the back of my neck and led me to his car.

I just meekly followed him, sitting in the back as Connor took the passenger side. I felt... bitter. Bitter that Connor saved me, bitter that Hank was still mad at me, bitter that I survived. Bitter that I felt bitter. I didn't have a right to feel this way to them, yet I did. It was all I could think about on the way to the Chicken Feed.

Hank unbuckled his belt and turned to the back. "I put your lunch in the trunk. Grab it and meet me at one of the tables." He didn't sound as angry anymore, just.. Worried. I nodded and without a word walked to the back, grabbed my bag, and headed to a table. As I waited, I noted that Connor was talking with Hank, or was at least trying to.

Taking my stuff from the bag I tossed it, putting the Thirium in my pocket. It didn't take long for them to head this way. Hank pulled his burger out and I just stared at my lunch. It looked amazing, but I just wasn't hungry. "I don't want to alarm you, Lieutenant, but I think your friends are engaged in illegal activities."

I rolled my eyes, my fork playing with the bit of green beans I had on my plate. "Well everybody does what they have to, to get by. As long as they're not hurting anybody, I don't bother them."

Connor looked away. "He's always been like that. Try not to think about it too much, Connor. It won't get you anywhere."

Connor gave me a nod before moving on to his next subject. "This Pedro..." Well... same subject. "He was proposing illegal gambling, am I right?"

I shook my head. "Pedro is just that kind of guy, Connor. Of course Hank did make a bet, which is seriously stupid, by the way. Not that it really matters I guess."

Hank hit my arm, just the plastic one so I rolled my eyes. "Your meal contains 1.4 the recommended daily intake of calories and twice the cholesterol level. You shouldn't be eating that."

I gave a small chuckle. Just listening to Hank get scolded made me feel amused. "Everybody's gotta die of something. Plus, (Y/n)'s android Rayna usually makes lunch for me. I'm assuming she didn't today because you two thought I was mad at you." I gave a small grunt before stuffing some of the fish into my mouth. "Ah, so I'm right. Good to know."

Connor nodded again. "This morning, when we were chasing those deviants... why didn't you want (Y/n) to cross the highway?"

I tensed up a bit, turning my gaze away from the table. Hank said the next words like they were simple. "'Cause she could've gotten killed. She would have too, if it hadn't been for you running after her." I clenched my fist a bit. What did Hank know anyway? "Plus I don't like filling out paperwork for injuries.

Connor turned to me next. "In your home two months ago... you had a lot of android parts and Thirium. Why?"

I stopped this trainwreck were it was. "Connor... that is none of your damn business. Don't ever bring that up again, especially not around Hank." With that I dumped my lunch in the trash and turned to Hank. "I'm going back to the car. Come back whenever you're done talking with the Android."

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