The revenge

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" We will have are revenge Zerif. I promise I will make Bloom pay of this." a voice in a cold dark cell said. The cell had rats in it. It was also dank and wet. They had no beds to sleep on. All that was on the cold stone floor was stale straw.They had little food because they were conquerors. " I know we'll have our revenge on that girl as well as her brother. If only we could get out of this cell." ' maybe if we ...' Zerif though, but soon his thoughts were interrupted by the one and only Tarik saying, " you two will not be getting out any time soon." as he handed them the food they got for breakfast. the breakfast was not very appetizing, all it was was stale bread and cold soggy bits of rice.

Meanwhile in sunshine park at 12:00 in the afternoon

" This place is beautiful Bloom, but not as beautiful as you." a blond haired boy with sky blue eyes said as he looked at a lovely red haired girl with cyan blue eyes. The girl had a tattoo of a leopard and her upper arm. The tattoo was actually her spirit animal in dormant state. " You are so sweet Sky." Bloom said. As she looked up at the cherry blossom trees in the park her smile turned to a sad upside down u. Memories of her parents flooded her head as she sighed. It had not even been a month since her parents died in a car crash and her so called friend betrayed her. " What's wrong Bloom? " Sky her boyfriend said, " Was it something I said to you. Because if it is you know I would never mean to hurt you." Sky was starting to get worried so Bloom said, " No Sky, you did nothing to hurt me. I was just remembering that my parents would alway talk about cherry blossom trees before. I guess I still miss them more than I realized." Sky wrapped his arm around her waist and said, " It's okay. I will always be here for you no matter what." Bloom wiped away here tears and said, " Thank you." He smiled and said, " You are very welcome." Then out of nowhere there was a wolf's cry and the clashing of metal or something. " What was that?" Sky asked. " I don't know, but I am going to find out." Bloom said as she released her spirit animal. " meow," Uzara said tilting her head. " Lets go Uzara," said Bloom as she got her sword out. " I am coming with you, Bloom." Sky said. " No way Sky, it could be dangerous." Bloom said with a concerned look on her face, " I don't want to see you get hurt."  Bloom said at the same time as Sky said, " I don't want to see you get hurt or worse..." he trailed off. The thought of losing Bloom the girl that he loved made his heart ache. " Don't worry. I promise I will be safe." she said as she kissed Sky on the cheek, and raced off with Uzara right behind her. 

Meanwhile in the forest

" Get back!" Connor said. He had his shepherd's staff in his left hand while holding the hilt of his battle ax in his right hand. The forest was usually a pretty place. The trees were all dark because the sun was blocked out by something. " Leave my brother alone you goons." Connor heard someone say. " Bloom! Is that you sis?" Connor said while throwing off one those critters off of him. " Yes, it is." Bloom said as Uzara pinned another critter to the ground.  " What are these things anway?" she asked as she sliced one of them into dust. They were blood red and had cat like slits for eyes. They kinda looked like crabs but where why more aggressive.  Than out of nowhere she heard a cry for help. The voice was the only other voice she recognized. Her heart started to pound in her ears.  " Sky!" she screamed. " I have to go and help him." she said to Connor. " I will help you sis." Connor said finishing off the last of the goons. Both Bloom and Connor raced of through the woods with Bloom and Uzara leading the way while Connor and Briggan brought up the back. Bloom did not even look back to see if her brother was falling behind. Lucky he was able to keep up with her. when they reached where Bloom was with Sky earlier what she saw was heartbreaking. " sis is everything all right?" Connor said out of breath. When he saw what his sister saw he understood why she was about to cry. Her boyfriend was holding his right arm which was bleeding and four goons were surrounding him. What happened next surprised him even more. His sister said in a horse voice, " Leave him alone you ugly beasts." She swung her sword and immediately Uzara attacked at her full force as he realized that she and Uzara were totally on the same page. He quickly snaped out of his thoughts and attacked as well. In less then 3 minutes both spirit animals and Green cloaks had took out the critters and Bloom was treating her wounded boyfriend.    

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